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Glorificus 01-12-2022 11:33 AM

Glad you received her safely. Yes sometimes with new dolls you have to open the orifices. If you open the mouth carefully you should notice a thin piece covering the opening. Just pop your finger in there gently or she may bite your finger off. Same with down below. :24

1stpurc 01-12-2022 11:35 AM

Mmm ok I'll have another look see just don't want to damage it!

Thanks for the advice

...update...ok thanks to those in the know it is / was a case of carefully opening the mouth up and ta da yes there is a entrance!

Ahem anyway back to trying to take photos.. I'll upload one when I get the hang of it ;)

After Dark 01-12-2022 11:41 AM

Glad things are working out now.
Lucid are great in my opinion. I can only go by several purchase experiences with them (them and numerous other vendors) and I've always got the doll I've ordered and on time.
Quite what has been said previously - parcel companies are completely swamped at the moment so we all have to be a little patient. Quite often it is through no fault of the vendor.
As for the private parts discussion... :wtf ...if you're referring to the inner sanctum of the mold and uterus bit - a bit of lubrication is recommended but it's a mold trying to represent the real thing. It's 2022 and not 2122 - so we're not at the replicant stage of doll advancement. I wish we were but alas not. So expectations have to be realistic. Quite authentic but never going to be the real thing ...and some of us of course really don't want the "real thing" :)

Karrot 01-12-2022 12:08 PM

"moulded with a hole" is pretty much how all of them are regardless of cost or manufacture. The newer WM's are closer with a more true outer and inner labia these days, but for years they too were just a moulded 'representation'.

eyes can be moved and straightened. its pretty common for them to turn up looking everywhere at the same time :D

Superglue for reattaching the eyelash, but not a job to take lightly as you need to remove the eyeball (it will likely be a 1/2 round eye) so as not to glue the eye to the TPE. Then apply superglue to one end of the lash base using a cocktail stick (just a tiny drop) and attach that end, once that sets, repeat slowly along the lash / eyelid. Finally once its all totally dry (you cant smell the supergule any more) carefully reinsert the eye.

Glad she got to you safely and in good order. Enjoy the honeymoon, and dont put yer back out. :)


1stpurc 01-12-2022 01:27 PM

Ha thanks for the message! I think lifting her might do my back in if not anything else more ;)

algaeholics 01-12-2022 02:30 PM

Yup, I like the red one. :tu

Karrot 01-12-2022 03:13 PM

red is good :tu

Watch all that black stuff on her though. dont want her getting stains so soon :)

Dark colours are usually to be avoided unless you've tested them. even then they can surprise you :)


Lucidtoys 01-12-2022 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by 1stpurc (Post 282795)
Hope the pics attached...came with blonde wig prefer my red one!

Love the quick turnaround from being boxed to coming alive.

Can we have positive Feedback on Trustpilot now?


1stpurc 02-12-2022 10:40 AM

You certainly can and have....thanks!

Little update and yeah don't lay them down into purple pvc sheets eh also had some odd discoloration overnight in two areas that weren't discoloured before...user error only being the first one I should have realised it'll be the same material as most skin like sex toys and easily to try the stain removal process oh dear ha maybe ordering another one soon!!

Lucid - any you can advise that would have better hands and feet?

shamus 02-12-2022 11:00 AM

Arn and Hammer toothpaste with bicarbonate of soda will remove stains but its slow and will take several applications. There is stain remover that will work faster but its expensive.

Its advisable to dress them in nylon body suits before dressing them in dark clothes.

Also use nylon wig caps to protect from dark coloured wig meshes.

If you are sleeping with her naked then white sheets and pillowcases.

Also, two pairs a childrens white socks over the hands to protect her delicate fingers. I say two pairs as its like trying to protect eggs. Wire fingers are TPE girls achilles heels. They break, they dislodge, they poke through the TPE so do your best to protect them.

Also, remember to buy her Cornflour (or talc) and apply it liberally to her to make her skin baby bottom smooth and totally non sticky. Well powdered skin also goes some way to protect against staining.



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