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Muninn 01-07-2020 07:52 PM

Act III Part 2:


When Alice comes to, the hand has settled down, waiting for her. "Who... are you?" the hand asks.
"I'm Alice, and I was told to look for the box that you were in".
"Oh! So you are the one I've been waiting for all these years!"

The hand explains: "You see, I was created by the owner of the house many years ago. Sadly, when he animated me, I became a bit of a handful! So he locked me away, with the promise that I could come back out when someone has a use for me - and I'm guessing that someone must be you?"
"Yes, my hand was damaged many years ago, and I'd love to get it working again, but the doctor says it is impossible."
"Well, you are in luck. If the old man is still around, he will know how to make everything right"
"That's great! You've even got the same nails as I have! But, you're a little pale..."
"Well, wouldn't you be after 100 years in a box? I'm cold too. That looks like a warm and cosy place..." The hand jumps up...

...and dives into Alice's dress! Alice squeals - and somehow manages to get the hand back onto the box.

Alice regains her composure. "Now look here, Hand. There's going to be a few ground rules if we are going to get along, okay?"
"Yes, fine. Just don't lock me back in there again, please?"
"I won't... is there anything else I can do for you?"
"Well, I am a bit hungry..."

"Okay, so silly question. What do hands eat?"
"Duh, finger food!!!" The hand bursts into laughter...

... and falls backwards into the box, the lid slamming shut on top of him. "Urgh, got a right one here. Best take him over to the old man and see what I should do".


Stay tuned for Act IV tomorrow!

algaeholics 01-07-2020 08:08 PM

We told you Lynne, bad idea opening the box... 🤷🏽

Dongo 01-07-2020 09:18 PM

Great photos. I never thought that the contents would include a hand!:no:

PDutus 01-07-2020 09:25 PM

Excellent - had me gripped :)

Can't wait for Act IV

You've set yourself a very high standard :b

Danae Szerelem 02-07-2020 08:26 AM

I stay tuned !! I want to know what will happen to Alice !!

"Okay, so silly question. What do hands eat?"
"Duh, finger food!!!" The hand bursts into laughter... :24:24


ranger42 02-07-2020 07:30 PM

I'm loving the story, but that hand looks like trouble!

carlys_guy 02-07-2020 07:50 PM

don't know if magic hands are a good thing or not, reminds me of thing from the aadams family show back in the 60's


Muninn 03-07-2020 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by carlys_guy (Post 187887)
don't know if magic hands are a good thing or not, reminds me of thing from the aadams family show back in the 60's


Actually, the whole story came from something similar that Anung said in passing on the hand surgery thread, and it sparked the imagination off!

Act IV coming this evening, Lynne persuaded me to rewrite the script ever so slightly to allow for the possibility of a sequel/spinoff. I get the feeling she's up for a slightly longer acting career :)

Muninn 03-07-2020 08:55 PM

Alice makes her way back to where the Doctor is sat, by the fire. They pour some tea, and have some biscuits. Alice of course has plenty of questions:
"So, here he...I mean 'it' is. Took some finding you know. What on earth are we to do now? He's very unruly!"
"Ah yes. He is. That's why I had to put him away all those years ago."
"It was you who made it? How on earth can that be, that box must have been hidden for a hundred years!"
"Ninety-eight, to be precise. Yes, I'm older than you think - that's a result of my various experiments over the years. And that hand was one of my earlier projects. You see, I wanted to see if I could create body parts for people, so when they wore out with age, they could be replaced. The hand was my first idea, and I animated him, as he could prove to be a useful helper"

"A helping hand?" Alice stifles a little giggle.
"Indeed! But he proved to be a little too wayward for my liking, disrupting my experiments, mixing up my paperwork, eating stuff. I had had enough, and put him away on the promise that I'd come back when I had a use for him. I just regret that it took so long"

"So you think he would make a good replacement hand for me, if we can train him of course?"
"Yes, I think he is perfect" said the Doctor, "which was why I decided it was the time for you to discover him."

"That's great! I think I'm growing rather attached to him. Ha, he's ticklish!"
"Well, we can't do it just yet. I need to make lots of preparations. Anyway, I need to contact someone in the Far East who has some magic serum that will fuse you two together... I've got his details somewhere..." The Doctor rustles through some papers. "Ah, here it is. Doctor Jinsan! So, you'll have to look after him - consider him your pet, albeit a bit of an unconventional one!

"You're not kidding! Not exactly a cuddly kitten, but he is kinda cute.
"You just need to feed him, keep him safe. He probably needs exercise too, stretch his legs - I mean fingers!"
"Hmm, could be fun!"
"And of course, Hand - you should try and behave and do what Alice asks of you. Do we have a deal?"

"Deal!" exclaimed Alice and the Hand in unison - The Hand leaps up and gives Alice a high five!


Act V will be posted tomorrow, where we tie up a few of the loose ends of the story :)

Muninn 05-07-2020 03:53 PM

Final act!


Of course, Alice and the Hand kept their promise. Alice looked after the hand, and the hand tried to behave. He was fed very well:

And got chance to nap in front of the fire:

He needed to get into shape, so there was also plenty of exercise. Games of "fetch" in the gardens:

And long walks in the woods:

Some questions of course remain... did Alice live happily ever after? Will the Doctor be able to get some of the Magic Serum from his friend Doctor Jinsan? Did the Hand behave himself? Find out in the next story, coming soon!

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