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FlashGordoll 19-06-2016 03:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Some of you may or may not know an AD head came on sale on Ebay, in fact AD have sold 2 display heads so far because Irina at AD wants to make and sell her own dolls so Oleg is helping her gain good Ebay feedback by selling off some old stock so she can sell her dolls on Ebay.:tu

I luckily managed to win the Julia head, so she's coming to the UK for time share of the body 4 AD (077) of Natasha and Zina.

I've always fancied the Julia head so had to jump at the chance to get it, still on her way from Russia so might be a while yet before she arrives. And of course I'll update this thread at a later date with some pics of Julia when I can.;)

Julia head on her way:
Attachment 7621

These are photos taken by AD of the same head and posted on the sale thread:

Hurry up Postman!!:p

Haremlover 19-06-2016 04:24 PM

Really beautiful.

We will be sharing your anticipation

Best wishes


Wulfie 19-06-2016 04:31 PM

Irinas handywork has to be some of the best :cool:, Congrats :tu

minato 19-06-2016 05:54 PM

I do like this head! :tu

Karrot 19-06-2016 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by minato (Post 100391)
I do like this head! :tu

Said the Bishop to the Nun....... :whistle:

Yes, gorgeous sculpt indeed, cant wait to see your pics when she arrives!


FlashGordoll 19-06-2016 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Karrot (Post 100393)
Said the Bishop to the Nun....... :whistle:


Cheers guys, honestly I like all the AD heads, lots of fine details goes into all these AD heads, Irina does a great job. Can't think of one that's not worth having if the opportunity came along, but yes the Julia head is very attractive.;) Hopefully she'll arrive by the end of this month or beginning of July.

revoL annaerB 19-06-2016 08:38 PM

Awesome quality and lovely sculpt:tu

I have a feeling that Julia will be holding on to the body for a while before you begin switching back and forth:D;)

FlashGordoll 28-06-2016 09:20 AM

Cheers revoL:cool:

Julia has been stuck at UK customs now for 8 days - we're waiting for parcelfarce to send a customs charge letter via worn out pigeon with a secret 17 digit code so I can pay the customs & VAT and get Julia released from the prison.. I mean customs.:rolleyes:

ARK ANGEL 28-06-2016 09:49 AM

Very pretty, a great score.
Will look forward to seeing her through your lens.


Mrwizard 29-06-2016 08:21 AM

I'm putting funding together for oleg so I can buy Julia. I've got two pictures
of her hanging in my study, waiting with antisapation

FlashGordoll 30-06-2016 10:55 AM

Its taken 9 days for Julia's head to be released from UK customs into the national hub, I dunno whether its the time of the year.. usually importing goes a lot smoother, I've had packages from Japan and China through much quicker in the past. Still waiting for the charges letter so hopefully won't be too much longer until she gets to her new home. I might add that this is UK customs & parcelfarce dragging their feet and its not the fault of the sender.

Mrwizard - I wish you the greatest luck in achieving your objective.:tu Keep at it and you'll get there in the end.;)

FlashGordoll 01-07-2016 09:56 AM

Update: Got charges letter - paid charges online - got away quite lightly.:D

revoL annaerB 01-07-2016 11:32 AM

Hopefully it won't be long now, looking forward to your initial response and comments/photos:tu

FlashGordoll 04-07-2016 02:50 PM

Cheers revoL,

Quick Update: Julia finally arrived today, she's everything I imagined and more. Photos are one thing but its another to see these heads up close, the level of detail and realism is just. . . awwww - jaw dropping.:D

Hopefully will have time to take a few pics at the weekend.;)

mi6c 04-07-2016 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by FlashGordoll (Post 100843)
Cheers revoL,

Quick Update: Julia finally arrived today, she's everything I imagined and more. Photos are one thing but its another to see these heads up close, the level of detail and realism is just. . . awwww - jaw dropping.:D

Hopefully will have time to take a few pics at the weekend.;)

That sounds promising.
Congratulations and my best wishes for Julia !:) :tu
And I sure am looking forward to see pictures ... :drool :cool: :rolleyes: :D

FlashGordoll 08-07-2016 09:53 AM

Thanks mi6c,:D

I haven't got much spare time at the moment but here's a couple of first portrait shots of Julia.

Haven't done any make up on Julia, this is how she came. Some subtle colouring of the cheeks and some eye liner. I don't think she needs much extra make up if any at all.

Will be squirting some water/washing up liquid solution in her eyes to get those moving at some point. Had to do that with the other heads as well and learn't that trick from Alex Knight on TDF.

mi6c 08-07-2016 11:39 AM

Hmmmm, not a bad start at all, pretty and rare if not unique. :cool:

All the best.

FlashGordoll 09-07-2016 12:06 PM

Cheers mi6c, my spare time is very limited, sometimes no existent, wish I had more time for pics.:rolleyes:

Never the less here's some more.

Julia meets Yuuko last night, by the looks of it they are already best friends.;)

These are quick shots of Julia taken this morning just before leaving for work.

That's one finely sculpted nipple X 2.;)

Dale66 09-07-2016 08:21 PM

She is seriously gorgeous! :tu:drool Congratulations. :D

FEZMONKEY 10-07-2016 02:30 PM

Before going to work :confused:

I'd have pulled a sickie and spent the day nibbling on those beautifully sculptured nipples :drool

Stunning lady :tu


FlashGordoll 11-07-2016 12:53 PM

Cheers Dale :D

Cheers FM, :D
Yes believe me if I worked for someone else I'd be pulling sickies all the time just to spend time with the dolls. Unfortunately I'm self employed.:rolleyes:

We took some more shots of Julia yesterday, this time with a shoulder length brow wig.

It was a breezy day but still warm so we had a sit out in the garden and ahem. . one or two beers.

Julia's hair was blowing all over the place.

Her dress kept riding up with the strong breeze but I didn't mind that at all.

After being a display head in Olegs shop for about 4 years she was so pleased to be finally enjoying the outside.

She finally feels alive.

Not satisfied with the small daisies she found some other flowers and asked if I wanted to smell them.. she's so naughty!

FlashGordoll 11-07-2016 01:01 PM

After running out of beer she stole my pint.:rolleyes:

Obviously with a view like this Julia could get away with anything.:D

Her freckles are even visible through her nude stockings.

It was a very enjoyable day sitting in the garden with Julia.:cool:

revoL annaerB 11-07-2016 03:04 PM

All I can say is HELLS TO THE YEAH!!!:drool:drool:drool

Karrot 11-07-2016 05:05 PM

yes, yes and Thrice Yes. she's gorgeous!


Dale66 11-07-2016 08:30 PM

Thanks for sharing! Great shots. :D:tu

FEZMONKEY 11-07-2016 08:39 PM

She really is pretty. And I can see you putting in the hours to keep her in the manner she is becoming acustomed too:D

Worth every penny I bet.


FlashGordoll 14-07-2016 01:16 PM

Thanks everyone.:D

More of Julia, this time she's a red head:

FlashGordoll 14-07-2016 01:27 PM

There are some awkward moments in life and we all have to deal with them - like when you really need the toilet, you rush in and do your business, after the initial relief you then realise there's no bloody toilet paper! Poor Julia just experienced that, what a predicament for the poor girl.:eek:

Julia wasn't sure what to do so she did what anyone else would and shouted at the top of her voice - "FLASH !! There's no bloody bog roll !!"
(Disclaimer: This is a fictional pictorial set, Julia does not wee wee or poo). Not to my knowledge anyway..

FlashGordoll 14-07-2016 01:39 PM

These are the last shots of Julia that we'll do for a while because its time for all my dolls to have a rest.

Most are B&W with some of those added in colour as well.

Colour version of above

Colour version of above

Goodnight from Julia.

ARK ANGEL 14-07-2016 03:24 PM

Wowee Julia! Nice legs... and all the other bit's attached too ;):drool
The white floral dress is so pretty on you, very good choice.:tu


Dale66 14-07-2016 07:58 PM

Thanks for the additional shots, Flash. :tu She looks good with all hair colours. Apart from a great body, I really like her eyes. Hope to see more of her sometime. :D

revoL annaerB 14-07-2016 08:55 PM

Ya can't go leaving your good lady without lovely soft toilet tissue for her 'delicates', ya just can't:no:

Back in the day, if things were rough you would get...

I don't think you can get this anymore, for those who don't know, it was like wiping your arse on tracing paper, any folds were sharp...and not nice!!! But fear not, now you can get...

I don't suggest this though as she will never forgive you...ever:p

FlashGordoll 15-07-2016 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by ARK ANGEL (Post 101289)
Wowee Julia! Nice legs... and all the other bit's attached too ;):drool
The white floral dress is so pretty on you, very good choice.:tu


Cheers Pete, you must mean the dress she's got on in the garden. Yup I like that one too because its normal and not over the top, its the kind of dress a girl can wear anywhere and perfect for a beer in the garden. Sadly I bought that from BHS, they've now gone tits up.


Originally Posted by Dale66 (Post 101304)
Thanks for the additional shots, Flash. :tu She looks good with all hair colours. Apart from a great body, I really like her eyes. Hope to see more of her sometime. :D

Cheers Dale, glad you noticed her exceptional eyes. They were hand crafted eyes done by Oleg, they have a bit more fine detail and depth compared to Zina and Natasha's standard eyes.
She'll be back with more pics again, unfortunately I can't have the dolls out all the time because it takes a lot of time and effort to look after them and also take photos, when I get too busy they have a rest and so do I. I always miss them when they're stored away though.


Originally Posted by revoL annaerB (Post 101314)
Ya can't go leaving your good lady without lovely soft toilet tissue for her 'delicates', ya just can't:no:

Back in the day, if things were rough you would get...

I don't think you can get this anymore, for those who don't know, it was like wiping your arse on tracing paper, any folds were sharp...and not nice!!! But fear not, now you can get...

I don't suggest this though as she will never forgive you...ever:p

OMG!! revoL I remember that tracing paper bog roll in my school and some pubs (when there was any left). Bloody awful stuff, absolutely no absobency and it just smeared whatever you were trying to wipe, basically grease proof paper repackaged.:twisted:
Glad none of my ex bosses had thought of stocking the bog with badger arse.:eek: Nice find !:D

FlashGordoll 04-02-2017 02:48 PM

New Sofa Mk II

Julia is demonstrating her new sofa.

"As you can see its.. brown."

"Perfect for my tired legs after a long day are these foot rest thingy's, I open a flap and it pops up."

"Of course if I have the sofa all to myself I do not need to open the flap."

carlys_guy 04-02-2017 03:27 PM

nice pics she looks good on the new sofa.


ARK ANGEL 04-02-2017 04:56 PM

Ok, I admit, :whistle: I was listening and looking at the sofa but, as soon as she said "I open a flap and it pops up", :drool well... This is me were talking about, :rolleyes: now I can't even remember what a sofa is!:confused:
But Julia would sure make a nice place to rest your head that's for sure.;)


Dongo 04-02-2017 09:44 PM

Very nice sofa!:D

HHDel 05-02-2017 01:40 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Brillint Pics :tu:tu:tu

In the hole Threat

My favorite

mi6c 05-02-2017 04:39 AM

Nice new sofa, sure seems comfy ;) :D

Looking forward to your other sweeties "discovering" it. :o :cool: :p

FEZMONKEY 05-02-2017 09:27 AM

very nice new sofa and a lovely woman to match:drool


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