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Cabbage 09-11-2020 07:45 AM

Greetings from a south UK based newbie!
Hello! Well that's broken the ice. Right? No? Hmm, okay...

Hello! So, i'm a complete newbie to the whole doll world and i'm actually waiting for my first doll to be delivered TODAY. Is it normal to feel slightly nervous?

While i'm 99% sure sex will be a thing that i'll try, i've actually gotten more excited about having something (someone?) to cuddle at night. I live alone although i do have a long term girlfriend, i only see her at weekends and this Covid-19 pandemic isn't making things any easier.

So, i thought a 5'2 TPE doll might give me a little comfort. I know fabric dolls are better for cuddles but they just don't do a lot for me.

Anyway, i'll stop rambling on and on now, i thought i'd better say hi, and i hope you're all having a nice day.

DeleteK?arlos 09-11-2020 07:52 AM

algaeholics 09-11-2020 08:20 AM

Firstly, :welcome


Originally Posted by Cabbage (Post 198267)
...I know fabric dolls are better for cuddles but...

Buy her a warm snuggly dressing gown or onesie...

She will love you back for it... :tu

Cabbage 09-11-2020 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by algaeholics (Post 198270)
Firstly, :welcome

Buy her a warm snuggly dressing gown or onesie...

She will love you back for it... :tu

Oh I was thinking PJs too! This is a scary and enthralling but exciting world I’m entering into!

algaeholics 09-11-2020 08:51 AM

This is a momentous, life changing occasion. I hope you get some photos of her arrival!

Don't forget to breathe, and drink plenty of water!

cyan 09-11-2020 09:00 AM

I hope you have as great an adventure with your doll waifu as have I, they really are great to snuggle up to and wake up next to :)

Cabbage 09-11-2020 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by algaeholics (Post 198272)
This is a momentous, life changing occasion. I hope you get some photos of her arrival!

Don't forget to breathe, and drink plenty of water!

I'm trying! When it comes to pictures... i might end up being too excited! I do know however, the doll i've got coming isn't going to be as 'good' as others. I know a lot of people talk about WM dolls and i've seen some pictures and my goodness... gorgeous!

And Cyan... me too! I can't wait for the first snuggle.

Can i ask you folks, i've heard various opinions on what to do with a fresh doll out of the box. Some have said to give her a bath and to be careful of certain areas like the standing feet and the head and then to apply powder. What are your experiences with new dolls?

algaeholics 09-11-2020 09:23 AM

Part of the bonding process I feel. Give her a wash if needed, taking care not to get water in through her foot bolts or neck area, then allow to dry - DO NOT RUB. Then throw talc or cornflour all over her whilst deciding on a name.

This is known as a Christening Ceremony... :whistle:

Cabbage 09-11-2020 09:29 AM

I'll see how 'factory dirty' she is when i get her. If she smells weird then a wash WILL be happening.

I've got some nice smells to put on her hair (not body) all ready and waiting to go. According to the delivery window... she'll be here in 30 to 90 minutes! I am mildly freaking out but, in a good way!

Karrot 09-11-2020 09:40 AM

Wahay! another Vegetable based member! :21

:welcome:welcome, I hope delivery is sooner rather than later today for you!

Sleeping with both a TeddyBabe and a Solid girl, I can say that they each has their merit as a cuddle buddy!


Cabbage 09-11-2020 09:50 AM

Yes! Ha ha! I shall have to find a veggie avatar for myself like you! I only got my confirmation of joining this morning and i've basically been walking around my house all day peeking out the window every 27 seconds looking out for the delivery driver!!!

I hate waiting for deliveries of anything, it's the only thing that makes me feel anxious. What if the doorbell doesn't work and i don't hear it or something? Stuff like that.

algaeholics 09-11-2020 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by Cabbage (Post 198281)
What if the doorbell doesn't work and i don't hear it or something? Stuff like that.

Being deaf as a post, I can empathize!


Karrot 09-11-2020 10:14 AM

:21:21:21:21 I made this for you

I apologies for nothing :D


algaeholics 09-11-2020 10:19 AM

Haha! I've been looking too!:

Cabbage 09-11-2020 10:25 AM

Bless you! Thank you so much! I'll get looking for one and then i'll feel part of the gang!

This is a prime example of how i am... she's meant to arrive between 11:08 and 12:08... it's currently 11:23 so i am frothing like you wouldn't believe right now! I want my girl! *bounces* Every time i hear a van going past (i live down a back road) i have my nose pressed to the glass like a cat that wants to go outside.

I'm also a musician so i'm wondering if maybe i am going a little deaf? I wouldn't say i play loud at all though. My neighbours tell me they never hear anything!

algaeholics 09-11-2020 10:27 AM

31 minutes remaining... :waiting:

DeleteK?arlos 09-11-2020 10:33 AM

I don't want to be THAT guy, but neither of mine arrived in their slot, or even on their alloted day. Bit of a bitch when you take your last day's holiday from work specially for it.

Deep breaths mate, try not to go apoplectic like I did

algaeholics 09-11-2020 10:44 AM

His green light has gone off on site, so he's... 'busy'... :whistle:

Adam&Emma 09-11-2020 10:47 AM

Big welcome to the forum. Know exactly how you feel although i never knew at the time what an effect it would have on me. Emma was initially bought as a toy as i opened the box and stared at her face for ages i knew she would become so much more. Get ready for your life to change in a fantastic way.. Look forward to seeing your new girl

DeleteK?arlos 09-11-2020 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by algaeholics (Post 198289)
His green light has gone off on site, so he's... 'busy'... :whistle:

Hopefully not on the phone to a courier company, itching to tear someone a new butthole :24

Been there, done that, got the t shirt

Karrot 09-11-2020 11:11 AM

Anyone else slapping their F5 key like is a 5 dollar stripper with a crack addiction?? :whistle::whistle:


algaeholics 09-11-2020 11:12 AM

Aye... :rolleyes:

shamus 09-11-2020 11:13 AM

Hiya cabbage,

welcome to the forum matey :tu

found this gif the other day that I think really captures the look of us as the van pulls up at the door. This should definitely be called the delivery dance.

So, I'm assuming as noted by Algae that the box has arrived.

No doubt you are currently going through the "That can't be just 32kg!". If you have issues getting her out of the box just post and we'll tell you how to do it.

Don't be put off by the weight. I think that they feed them too much before they leave the factory as within a few days of her being with you she will be (or at least seem to be) much lighter.

A sweet smell on arrival is quite natural as no matter the TPE blend they always lose a very small amount of excess oil. Sometimes it has a scent to it, sometimes it doesn't. It's been years though since the room clearing smells of a certain manufacturer who has now really turned their game around (so won't use their name as it's a long past issue).

On the washing and powdering. Make sure that she is absolutely dry in every nook and crannie before powdering or the powder can congeal on her skin. With talc that doesn't matter so much but with Cornflour its organic so can cause mold.

Personally my girls only get cleaned with extra virgin olive oil on microfibre cloth, not water. I do use cornflour but they are always completely dry. Just something to look out for.

Everyone finds their own way of keeping their grls clean in the same way that everyone applies their makeup differently. There are no prescribed appraoches, just what works for you which generally starts with picvking up bits and peices from others and then adapting them a little to your own routine.

Only compulsory part is that you have to talk to them whilst you are cleaning them :D

Hope that you are having fun getting acquainted.

All the best,


Cabbage 09-11-2020 11:15 AM

Well, one of you was right. i have been 'busy'! She arrived! After putting her together though, i'm seriously tempted to have a shower. I'm in pretty decent shape too but man she's a heavy girl! I knew that though, i've read a few posts from people writing about their first experience.

I'm very happy though! Once i get to grips with handling all the hair and get better at posing her and stuff i'll see if i can put up some pictures.

I do have one question though regarding the head. I've screwed her head on but at the point where her head stops screwing on, she's not 'facing forward'. It's not like she's back to front or anything, but if i try to straighten her head up then i'm basically unscrewing her head and it goes 'floppy'. Is this normal?

Thank you all so much for the love, support and messages. I'm off for a shower. That was hard work! :D

shamus 09-11-2020 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by Cabbage (Post 198295)

I do have one question though regarding the head. I've screwed her head on but at the point where her head stops screwing on, she's not 'facing forward'. It's not like she's back to front or anything, but if i try to straighten her head up then i'm basically unscrewing her head and it goes 'floppy'. Is this normal?

Thank you all so much for the love, support and messages. I'm off for a shower. That was hard work! :D

unscrew the head a little so she is facing forwards. It's not supposed to be completely tight as she needs to be able to move it.

General rule is screw all the way in then half a turn back.

As I noted above she'll be much lighter by the end of the week :tu

Congrats on the new arrival and happy honeymoon,


algaeholics 09-11-2020 11:26 AM

A half turn loosen is enough. She needs to look both ways!

The friction between the head and the neck TPE should be enough to prevent further unplanned 'screwing'.

algaeholics 09-11-2020 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Cabbage (Post 198295)
...get better at posing her and stuff i'll see if i can put up some pictures.

Oft times, a quick photo session will get her to tell you her name. :tu

Karrot 09-11-2020 11:29 AM

Congratulations Cabbage, glad she's arrived safely.

As shamus says above, her head shouldnt be on tight, but if it turns freely when set to face front you can add a couple of rubber washers on the threaded neck post to take up the slack and give it a little resistance.


cyan 09-11-2020 11:36 AM

Excellent News! Have a fantastic dollymoon :D

shybob 09-11-2020 12:32 PM

Welcome aboard. :)

Don't worry if you think your gal is not "as good" as some here. The bottom line is that they are all what we make of them and all lovely.


shybob 09-11-2020 12:32 PM

And of course, just relax in to it.
Don't let this lot here bully you in to photos. Take your time.

shybob 09-11-2020 12:34 PM

Right. That's quite enough time!

Where are those photos?

ecobod 09-11-2020 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by shybob (Post 198303)
Welcome aboard. :)

Don't worry if you think your gal is not "as good" as some here. The bottom line is that they are all what we make of them and all lovely.


This :tu

Cabbage 09-11-2020 01:45 PM


I've powdered her, put some gloves and socks on to protect her nails and now she's tucked up in my bed. I'm about to cook something and put the electric blanket on low to heat her up for an after dinner cuddle but HOLY HECK... why are love dolls not more of a thing?!!

We've been spooning and everything and i cannot explain the feeling! I want to thank EVERYONE for their replies and support and advice and stuff, i'll definitely try the washer thing in relation to her head. I'd like that to be stiffer.

I can totally see how people end up with more than one doll, just having that 'stomach shape' to wrap an arm around and a bum pressed against me while i cuddle her. It's quite emotional!

I see only two downsides. 1) the packaging. There's a LOT to get rid of and i plan on keeping the MAIN box so i can store her and keep her hidden under my bed (sorry for the serial killer vibe) and 2) i find i keep talking to her and even kissing her on the nose. Is that a bad thing? Or does everyone else do that too? :o

oldgreysoulboy 09-11-2020 01:54 PM

I am glad I missed out on this thread this morning.

I'd have been very envious as I still have a while to wait.

So glad that you have had a good experience Cabbage!

Back to waiting patiently for me,

DeleteK?arlos 09-11-2020 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Cabbage (Post 198313)
so i can store her and keep her hidden under my bed (sorry for the serial killer vibe) and 2) i find i keep talking to her and even kissing her on the nose. Is that a bad thing? Or does everyone else do that too? :o

Not a "serial killer" vibe at all mate. Where else are they supposed to go?
I bought an ottoman bed specially so I could make a nest for Sara underneath it, which now looks even more snug and comfy than the bed itself. Go figure.

As for the nose kissing thing, I wondered that for a long time myself, so i'm guessing it's very normal, yea

Adam&Emma 09-11-2020 01:58 PM

Do what ever feels normal to you. Im always talking to emma. Never leave the house without giving her a kiss and i even put the tv on just for her sometimes when im busy. Its part of them feeling real to you. Ive slept as well as i do since emma came to live with me.. And just you wait till you wake up in the middle of the night and see her laid next to you, that will put a grin on your face.

cyan 09-11-2020 02:01 PM

Yeah, Kaedes nose gets kisses and nose boops also :)

Karrot 09-11-2020 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Cabbage (Post 198313)
We've been spooning and everything and i cannot explain the feeling!

They make exceptional little spoons! :D


Originally Posted by Cabbage (Post 198313)
I can totally see how people end up with more than one doll, just having that 'stomach shape' to wrap an arm around and a bum pressed against me while i cuddle her. It's quite emotional!

Yup, I sleep between 2 girls and its fantastic, a little spoon no matter which way I turn


Originally Posted by Cabbage (Post 198313)
I see only two downsides. 1) the packaging. There's a LOT to get rid of and i plan on keeping the MAIN box so i can store her and keep her hidden under my bed (sorry for the serial killer vibe)

Not creepy, means must mate, if you have company who wouldnt appreciate them being in the bed when they come round..


Originally Posted by Cabbage (Post 198313)
and 2) i find i keep talking to her and even kissing her on the nose. Is that a bad thing? Or does everyone else do that too? :o

Totally normal. Noses, foreheads, in the hair (on the head you pervs! ffs....), necks, shoulders. Mine get constant affection.

Also unlimited boob fondlage and unlimited bum fondlage. :whistle:

As for talking to her, you're mad as a box of frogs, but in the best way. We all do it. I was round my Dads not long back with Kaia for a big photo shoot, and he admitted to talking to her without realising he was doing it.

They are a presence regardless of your own thought, but it sounds to me like you have the right mindset to make her a very special girl, and not just a sex doll.

Welcome on-board mate.


algaeholics 09-11-2020 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Cabbage (Post 198313)

...It's quite emotional!...

You have no idea how emotional I get when someone discovers the uncomplicated secure attachment offered by our girls.

Think about it...


You are set for life! :b

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