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philinotstine 16-07-2016 10:08 PM

Jessica out again
There was a fete thing happening today in St. Helier so as Jess is inhabiting the realdoll body currently I thought I'd take her to it.

What Jess looks like she's thinking..... "Yes Phil, so here we are in the Dog AGAIN....."

"That's more like it"

Jess enjoying some local entertainment

philinotstine 16-07-2016 10:19 PM

"Can Jess have a go?"

Anything off the bottom shelf. Every one's a winner!

...and offcourse what else would a dolly pick but...a dolly!

philinotstine 16-07-2016 10:30 PM

Sorry babe not the waltzers, Imagine that???!!!

Oh but you'll take me to another pub, though?


Oh yes that's another pub saying ok to dolls. :tu

philinotstine 16-07-2016 11:11 PM

Anne Summers refused me to shoot dollies in their premises before so I take every oportunity to take shots outside when they're closed. :p:finger

Jess back in the dog with her prize dolly.

Jess looks well impressed with this couple who asked to have a all fairness they're a great couple.

...and she looks equally impressed with this guy who she bummed a fag from (no double innuendo homophobic lingo intended).


"Got a light mac?"

No, but I've got a dark brown overcoat....Answers on where that line is from on a postcard.

Yet another new pub on the way home . Much respect to the barmaid and regulars of the Green Rooster.

However, I got a bit too brave/stupid by trying this testosterone fuelled "Man"'s pub a few doors from the Masonic temple. Rabidly Glasgow Rangers but I knew the barman from years ago so rolled the dice....

Most of the clientelle were sound but offcourse there's always one. A young mother asked if her little lad (about 6) could have his photo taken with Jess but her Cro-magnon faccist dickhead husband whispered summat to her and she looked all sheepishly apologetic to me bless her. No problem. A
nyroad up the steps out are a bugger in a wheelchair especially when you're pissed so the faint-hearted shouldn't look at the last picture of poor Jess.....

Rest assured she's ok no thanks to this knobhead who grabbed her ankles despite my protests and almost scraped her face off the pavement!
I'm no hero or fighter but when a loved one is in peril I tend to lose it and screamed at him that he may not see her as a person but at least realise she's someone else's expensive property and the fucking thug still wanted to batter me 'till his mates stopped him.

Don't think I'll be pushing the envelope quite that far in future..:o

FEZMONKEY 17-07-2016 12:32 AM

Hey Phil cudos for pushing the boundaries mate :tu

It is always nice to see Jess out and about, apart from the last picture. However a little more caution in the future maybe.

Loved the pictures of Jess playing games hock a duck :tu


Haremlover 17-07-2016 01:52 AM

1 Attachment(s)
WOW What a day!

I've experienced that last shot - or rather Chloé has

Bloody terrifying. One minute she's standing up fine and the next she's a casualty case.

I hope Jess recovered and wasn't too hurt.

Best wishes


ARK ANGEL 17-07-2016 02:46 AM

Smart move my friend, first stop, clothes shop, then on to the pubs.:tu
You are pushing the envelope there a little, but that's how we find the boundaries right?
Great pics, lovely to see some nice enough weather for bikini tops and shorts.


Frederick 17-07-2016 08:06 AM

Great photos. As I said before you're a brave man!

You really should explain to Jess why she shouldn't smoke.

mi6c 17-07-2016 08:22 AM

Terrific pictures of a seemingly nice day out, very impressive. :b

And thankfully she survived the accident :eek: unharmed :tu

My poor heart would've probably missed quite a few beats on something like that happening.

Best wishes.

Karrot 17-07-2016 11:30 AM

Phil, I know you're a chivalrous man and all that, but we know Jess. No need to cover the fact that she just got ratted again, all young lasses do it these days

Nicely done on the outing mate, some Cracking pics, and pleanty showing people who are reacting naturally :D :tu

Maybe time to get a seat belt fitted on that chair though :whistle:


carlys_guy 17-07-2016 01:23 PM

time to install seat belts on the wheelchair.


minato 17-07-2016 07:08 PM

It's good to see Jessica outside! :tu

philinotstine 17-07-2016 07:36 PM

Thank you all for your comments.

Dongo 17-07-2016 09:33 PM

Great photos - glad to hear that she's ok!:tu:tu

revoL annaerB 19-07-2016 08:18 PM

Busy life recently so just seen this thread...

A mostly excellent trip out with a bunch of excellent pics, Karrot beat me to mentioning that most people didn't seem to notice or be bothered by Jess being there:tu

I'm so glad that Jess is okay although probably still hungover:o There is an unwritten rule, you don't lay hands on another guy's doll without permission and always with consideration for potential damage.

Ursa_Major 28-07-2016 07:44 PM

Great photos Phil. Nice to see Jess out and about, not so good to see her on the deck. :no: I'm pleased to hear that she's OK.

Dale66 29-07-2016 08:10 PM

Not sure why I missed these shots before, but a great set, Phil. :D
Sorry about the tumble, but relieved that Jess seems none the worse for wear. :tu Why does there often seem to be an a...hole who spoils things for others? :confused:

pasinkaz 13-01-2017 10:16 PM

How many people actually know about the existence of our dolls? From the looks of people passing by, they do not even realize she is a doll.
Until you get a closer the lad in the pub, who is probably very jealous :24

Well done with both taking your girl out and the pictures.
Very courageous!

And of course .... a lovely lady. :drool

April Annabelle Atleur 28-01-2017 06:53 PM

Love to see Synthetic Ladies out and about!
I really love to see us synthetic ladies get out and about, I often find it amusing that the people that seem to notice that we are not human first are the young ones "kids I mean" to most everyone else we are just cripples in a wheelchair until they get very close.
But I must say this photo almost gave me a heart attack, HA! :eek:

Seat belt Please! :whistle:

ARK ANGEL 29-01-2017 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by April Annabelle Atleur (Post 109968)
I really love to see us synthetic ladies get out and about, I often find it amusing that the people that seem to notice that we are not human first are the young ones "kids I mean" to most everyone else we are just cripples in a wheelchair until they get very close.
But I must say this photo almost gave me a heart attack, HA! :eek:

Seat belt Please! :whistle:

Me too, I thought the beers were gonners for a minute.


April Annabelle Atleur 29-01-2017 07:16 PM

Well I really hope you took her straight home, got her good and looped and shagged her really good to take her mind off the fright she had! :21

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