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Nova-1 17-08-2017 09:35 PM

Introducing ... Caroline (2A) (Yuriko)
Hey Everyone!!!

It's been a while since I've posted anything here.. So I thought I would post some pretty big news.... Well, last Sunday, the wait for my lovely Sinthetics 2A came to an end... And WOW!! She is gorgeous, just gorgeous!!! Her beauty literally stopped my heart the moment I first saw her... Honestly I feel like the luckless guy on the planet right now!!!! I've always had the feeling that what I would relieve would be just impressive beyond expectations. But DAYUM!!! Where did this Goddess of Hotness for from... Matt you never cease to amaze!!! I'm super impressed.. Caroline, is well beyond what I expected... Thank you so much Sinthetics!!!

The detail on this new 2A body is just incredible.. And boy is she wonderful to wrap your arms around.. I would say one of my favorite details beside those fun perky little boobies is her poochy little tummy.. Oh I'm getting goose bumps just thinking about tickling her there... The new silicone is also really really nice which makes her tummy that much more irresistible... Speaking of the new silicone.. The caboose on the 2A is awesome.. I can't help but to give her butt cheek a squeeze as I pass by.. Oh! I think we have a flirty girl here!! She's starting to make some playful moves right back at me.. Defiantly didn't take her long to fit in.. Funny Bronwen did mention that their was something mischievous about her.. Yeah she's a little flirt.....

The visit to Sinthetics to pick up Caroline was defiantly a highlight. It was so nice to talk to both Matt & Bronwen one on one.. Both of them are such wonderful people and it's just enjoyable to chat with them for a while and hear some of their story's.. Also Matt gave me some pointers to help prolong the life of both Caroline and Shannon.. I was even made aware of a joint in the shoulder that I never knew was there.. Matt also told me about some of the upgrades and reinforcements he did to Caroline to help prevent against tearing in the armpits and vaginal core.. It was just a really fun visit!! I even got to see Robert again..

The wait was indeed a long one. And at times it was tough.. But in no way did I ever doubt that I was going to get Caroline.. And now that I have her she is worth every penny... I've heard people say many times how a Sin is worth the wait.. Well that's no lie... Caroline sure made it worth it to me...

Last night we had a little fun.. Caroline recommended that I do an inspection to make sure she was up to my satisfaction... I told her that she already was but she insisted.. Anyways here is Caroline being thoroughly inspected..

Caroline: Wow that was a long drive home. So this is my new home?

Nova: Yup! Make yourself at home sweetie!!

Caroline: Ok, but don't forget Matt recommended that you do a throw inspection of me once we got home.. That sounds like fun so can we do that now?

Nova: Ok yeah that does sound like fun..

Nova: Two Pretty little boobies [PASS]

Nova: One delicious Tummy [PASS]

Caroline: Umm I'm not sure that's what Matt meant!

Nova: Oh and look at that lushes behind!! [PASS]

Caroline: Nova! how can you inspect me when I'm still dressed?

Nova: Still dressed? You mean you want to

Caroline: Yes Hun.. I want to make sure your satisfied with me...

Caroline: Here I'll start..

Nova: This is the best night ever!!!

Caroline: Do you like what you see so far?

Nova: Oh yes Caroline I really do!!!

Caroline: Now give them a good grope... Don't be afraid!

Nova: OK, Here we go! Oh Nice!!!

Caroline: Hehe I'm glad you enjoy them.. Now it's time to pull these panties down so you can have a look at my G-Spot...

Nova: Your G-Spot!!

Caroline: So what do you think? You can touch me there.. In fact I want you too.

Nova: Oh my nose is starting to bleed!!

Caroline: Oh Nova that felt wonderful!!! Can we do that again??

Nova: Boy you are a flirt.. LOL! But defiantly!!!!

Caroline: I was meaning to ask.. When do you want ----------- to you know?

Nova: I so want to right now Caroline but I did promises to get some pics of you on the forum...

Caroline: Can't the forum wait? I want to know what it's like..

Nova: You mean you've never-------? Your a vergin?

Caroline: Yes I am... What to give it a go?

Nova: Oh it's on!!!!

Caroline: Oh Wow that was amazing!!! I can't wait to do that again....

Nova: You were the amazing part!! I was just the ogre on top of you...

Inspection complete with the nova seal of approval!!!

Kats012 17-08-2017 09:45 PM

She's nice.
Nice body, sure but what a lovely face and expression. Oh those eyes! She looks as though she will have a real personality? Have fun the both of you.

carlys_guy 17-08-2017 10:55 PM

welcome caroline hope you enjoy your time here on the forum and in your new home as well.

carly snugglemore and carlys_guy

HHDel 18-08-2017 01:27 AM

:welcome are Great !!! What for a nice Body and lovely face you have !!!:tu:tu:tu

FlashGordoll 18-08-2017 07:21 PM

Congrats on finally getting Caroline home Nova :D

She's certainly a real stunner and that body she's got is on fire :drool

I was watching a Brit soap (Hollyoaks) earlier and when I saw the character Kim Butterfielid (actress Daisy Wood-Davis) she reminds me a bit of your Caroline apart from the dimpled chin.
Because you're probably not aware of what the hell I'm talking about, here is the actress:

ARK ANGEL 19-08-2017 01:34 AM

Congrats Nova and welcome to the fold pretty Caroline.


Nova-1 19-08-2017 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by Kats012 (Post 116129)
Nice body, sure but what a lovely face and expression. Oh those eyes! She looks as though she will have a real personality? Have fun the both of you.

Thanks Kats!!! :) Oh Yeah, she is just so captivating.. So gorgeous I can't help but to just stare at her in amazement..


Originally Posted by carlys_guy (Post 116130)
welcome caroline hope you enjoy your time here on the forum and in your new home as well.

carly snugglemore and carlys_guy

Thank you for the warm welcome to Caroline, Carly'_guy!! :)


Originally Posted by harleyhahn (Post 116132)
:welcome are Great !!! What for a nice Body and lovely face you have !!!:tu:tu:tu

Caroline thanks you for the great complement Harleyhahn!! I agree she defiantly has a nice body.... And a dreamy face too..


Originally Posted by FlashGordoll (Post 116140)
Congrats on finally getting Caroline home Nova :D

She's certainly a real stunner and that body she's got is on fire :drool

I was watching a Brit soap (Hollyoaks) earlier and when I saw the character Kim Butterfielid (actress Daisy Wood-Davis) she reminds me a bit of your Caroline apart from the dimpled chin.
Because you're probably not aware of what the hell I'm talking about, here is the actress:

Thanks FlashGordoll... WOW! Daisy is a FOX!!! :drool I can see a bit of the resemblance... :D


Originally Posted by ARK ANGEL (Post 116146)
Congrats Nova and welcome to the fold pretty Caroline.


Hey thanks ARK ANGEL!! :)

Nova-1 19-08-2017 06:49 PM


Well, the second day has come and gone and Caroline is still nothing less than amazing... Most of the day was spent at work completely thinking about her.. So you can imagine that not a whole lot of actual work got done.. Anyways when I got home yesterday afternoon I had just over 3 hours to be with Caroline and my other ladies.. Of course Caroline pretty much got 99.9% of the attention.. This was the first time she had been completely stripped down nude and admired from head to toe.. :drool: Removing her clothing was an easy task since she didn't put up a fuss.. But after I marveled at her naked body for a while and tried to dress her.. She started playing hard to get.. Man! this girl is a flirt!!! Well, I'm super attracted to her so I don't mind the foreplay a bit.. I just play along... After chasing her around the studio a bit and tickling her in places I dare not disclose... :whistle: She finally allowed me to put her in a sexy hot pink bikini... Which didn't seem to stay on long..

Caroline: Hey Nova! Where's the pool?

Nova: It's in the back yard Hunn...

Carolina: Oh can we go skinny dipping?

Nova: Hmm it is warm tonight.. That actually sounds nice Caroline!!!

Caroline: Well, Shall we slip into something comfortable and go out to the pool?

Nova: Something comfortable! You do know skinny dipping is? Right?

Caroline: Yes silly I know what it is! I meant comfortable by getting naked!!! What's more comfortable then that????

Nova: I guess your right!

Caroline: Oh but first I just realized that you haven't said anything about my belly button ring... I know this was an option you requested and was specially picked out... What do you think?

Nova: Oh WOW! I guess I was just caught up by how beautiful you are that I totally overlooked it sweetie.. Well, It looks damn sexy on you.. And Bronwen did an excellent job picking it out for you...

Caroline: I'm so glad! I know you paid extra for it and I wanted to make sure you were pleased with it... I really like it too!

Caroline: Oh man! I was going to ask if you wanted to do the honorers.. But it already came untied..

Nova: That's OK.. Maybe I can do the honorers of doing something else...

Carolinne: Oh Yes! I know exactly what you can do!!!!

Nova: Dose it involve playing with those?

Carolie: Maybe!! But hey do like it when I shake them like this? Hehehe

Nova: Damn girl! I can watch you shake those all day long

Nova-1 19-08-2017 06:51 PM

Caroline: Oh my man! I like it when you talk dirty to me!!!!

Nova: LOL flirty girl... Ok all we need are towels.. Sorry hunn! I don't mean to have my back to you.. I'm Just getting towels for us out of the closet...

Caroline: "Thinks to herself: Oh perfect, he's got his back to me... Maybe I'll sneak over there and goose him like he does me.." :whistle:

Nova: Sweetie, what color towel do you...........................................What were you doing?

Caroline: Oh nothing!!!!

Caroline: Was just going to come over and see if you needed a hand.. Yeah that's it!!!

Nova: Oh OK!! was just looking like you were up to no good... "Thinks to self: Hmm I wonder what she was seaming"

Caroline: Nova? Can you help me with something?

Nova: Hang on sweetie I'm taking off my shooooes.. Oh my what a package!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Caroline: Can you help me with this G-String? I want you to slide it down and off of me... Hehehe

Nova: Ok down they go!! Well hello there Miss Pookie.... Tickle tickle....

Caroline: Hehehe, Thanks Nova!!! So how do I look.. I'm ready for some nookie in the pool.. Some skinny dipping fun!!! but First.... Do you remember saying that you can do the honorers of doing something else for me?

Nova: Yes sweetie I do.. Well?

Caroline: Get down on those knees and do me the honor of planting that face in deep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nova: Scooby cover me, I'm going in...................

Pool parties are fun!!! Especially naked ones with all girls and one guy!!!!

Well I hope everyone enjoyed the skinny dipping story... It was a really fun one to do.. Anyways, since the 2A is such a new body and there's really not that many out there. I'm planning to keep the pics coming pretty regularly.. :thumb: The plan is to try and keep this thread pretty active.. And I'm hoping to take and post a few quick snap shots a couple times a week.. Nothing real extravagant as doing set decorating like I'm use to. However those will still be done and posted here periodically.. The idea is to give sort of a weekly review and capture moments of her daily life.. So stay tuned.....

Dongo 19-08-2017 08:55 PM

Great photos. I love her hair colour - really good!:tu:tu

carlys_guy 19-08-2017 09:29 PM

very nice pictures and glad to see normal size breasts for a change.


ARK ANGEL 20-08-2017 03:17 AM

I have to say, to me hands are an important detail, in human women and dolls alike.
Caroline's hands are simply flawless, the detail, tone, proportion and overall impression, may be the best I've seen yet.
Why am I noticing her hands? Trust me, I didn't at first. :drool


HHDel 20-08-2017 03:39 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Perfect in every detail !!!:drool

Is it a secret what you pay for Caroline? You can send me also, if you didnīt post it here, an Private Mail. I am very interessted.

Many thanks

Kats012 20-08-2017 03:52 PM

There's just something about the way she looks at you!
Great to see a doll with a really sexy expression and a realistic body too.
Lucky man - and yeah you will keep thinking about her and spending on her too, they are far, far more than inanimate objects.

Dale66 20-08-2017 09:23 PM

Congrats, Nova. Caroline is a very attractive lady-- very nice looking boobs (and face) and looking forward to seeing her rear (that sounds odd, but trust the meaning is clear. :D)

Nova-1 21-08-2017 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by Dongo (Post 116166)
Great photos. I love her hair colour - really good!:tu:tu

Thank you Dongo!! Yeah, I like it too.. The color gives her a sassy look.. :D


Originally Posted by carlys_guy (Post 116167)
very nice pictures and glad to see normal size breasts for a change.


Thanks Carlys_guy!!!


Originally Posted by ARK ANGEL (Post 116171)
I have to say, to me hands are an important detail, in human women and dolls alike.
Caroline's hands are simply flawless, the detail, tone, proportion and overall impression, may be the best I've seen yet.
Why am I noticing her hands? Trust me, I didn't at first. :drool


yeah I agree! She defiantly has really nice detail in her hands.. Maybe the best I've seen so far too.. The feel while holding her hand is also simply amazing...:tu


Originally Posted by harleyhahn (Post 116172)

Perfect in every detail !!!:drool

Is it a secret what you pay for Caroline? You can send me also, if you didnīt post it here, an Private Mail. I am very interessted.

Many thanks

Thanks Harleyhahn!! :) As for what she cost me...Well, the truth is.. This lady would cost more now. Then what I paid for her when I placed the order about three and a half years ago.. I believe the current base price for a female Sin is $6400.. Also Caroline has some added custom features that brought the price up too. Such as freckles and combination piercings (ears & belly)...


Originally Posted by Kats012 (Post 116185)
There's just something about the way she looks at you!
Great to see a doll with a really sexy expression and a realistic body too.
Lucky man - and yeah you will keep thinking about her and spending on her too, they are far, far more than inanimate objects.

Yeah! The looks she gives you is just captivating.. And when I look into her eyes I get this instant feeling that there is an actual person looking back at me.. Like she has a sole... :D Definitely much more than just a inanimate object for sure!!!!


Originally Posted by Dale66 (Post 116200)
Congrats, Nova. Caroline is a very attractive lady-- very nice looking boobs (and face) and looking forward to seeing her rear (that sounds odd, but trust the meaning is clear. :D)

Thanks Dale66!! Oh and there's nothing odd about wanting to see her dairy air.. :D In fact Caroline actually has quite a spectacular caboose.. :drool Booty shots will be coming real soon...

Nova-1 21-08-2017 06:02 PM


It's the third day and Caroline continues to impress.. She's so gorgeous that it's very easy to get pulled into a trans like state while looking at her.. Also she seems to have an irresistible essence about her.. I find myself extreamly attracted to her to the point where I can't keep my hand off of her.. It's like she has a tractor beam that keeps drawing me it.. This girl defiantly has me week at the knees.. Well since it was the third day I decided to keep the home warming gifts coming. This time I gave her something I picked up at Trashy during this last DolLApalooza... And I was really quite surprised that she wanted to try the outfit on right away.. Of coarse she insisted that I give her a hand.. And it's actually really funny how my hands always start to wonder when I assist.. But I'm sure that's why she likes me to help.. LOL! For those who are wondering what Trashy is. It's a lingerie shop in Hollywood that makes and sales top quality custom lingerie.. Meaning it's quite expensive... But it's also where a lot of famous people go and buy lingerie... My ladies are totally worth it so I got a few outfits while there.. Anyways we did a little photo set of Caroline in her sexy new Trashy outfit..

Caroline: Oh Nova I just love my present!! Thank you!!!

Nova: Your welcome sweetie!

Nova: "Thinks to self: WOW! I totally scored getting her! She so gorgeous and look at that bod!!! She's so Yummy!!"

Caroline: "Thinks to herself: Oh he's checking me out!!! Oh I hope he really likes what he see's.

Caroline: So Nova? Now that I have this extra super sexy outfit on.. Do you like seeing me in it?

Nova: Oh yes I really do! You look ravishing in it.. Makes me want to pull you into my arms and never let go.....

Caroline: Well there's room on this love seat for two.. Want to join me?

Nova: Oh yeah.. But I thought I'd give you the whole couch encase you wanted to lay down...

Caroline: Are you sure you don't want to join me?

Heck yeah! I'm there! But first lets get in a few pics..

Caroline: Well then lets give the the people of the UK Lovedoll Forum a good show!

Nova: That's my girl!!!! Work it.. Now lets show a little more...

Caroline: Hey Nova, are you starting to find it hard to focus yet? I know I am!!!

Nova: Oh yeah she getting in to it!!! Work it! Work it hard!!!!

Caroline: Ok Nova! I need you now!! Come get me!!!

Nova: DAYUM! Just a few more shots Hunn!!!

Caroline: Hey Guys! Are you all enjoying this as much as I am!!!

Nova:I know I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Caroline: Ok Nova! It's your turn! Take me now or loose me forever!!

Nova: Here I come!!!

Nova: Oh DAYUM! I'm about to be with all of that!!!!

Caroline: Oh yes get those clothes off!!! Just tear them off like your a wild beast!!!

Caroline: Come get me stud!!!!

Well, this concludes this photo set.. Hope everyone enjoyed it! Stay tuned for the next one...

carlys_guy 21-08-2017 06:45 PM

nice outfit it seems to fit real well thanks for posting.


Dongo 21-08-2017 09:06 PM

Wow! Great photo story and a really super outfit!:drool:drool

HHDel 22-08-2017 02:20 AM

@ 1 th. Thank you nova to telling us / me the price.

An than, Damned, never seen a girl like you !!!:drool

HHDel 22-08-2017 02:22 AM

Nova you are a LUCKY MAN !!! Thanks for the picīs and hope there are coming more. Nice to have you here !!!:tu

Karrot 22-08-2017 08:14 AM

oooh! ouch! need to adjust pants! ahhhhh better.

Wow Nova, another lovely beauty. How do you get time to do anything other then dribble yourself in to a puddle every day?


Nova-1 22-08-2017 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by carlys_guy (Post 116225)
nice outfit it seems to fit real well thanks for posting.


Thanks for the comments Carlys_guy.. :)


Originally Posted by Dongo (Post 116226)
Wow! Great photo story and a really super outfit!:drool:drool

Hey thanks Dongo! I glad you are enjoying the photo stories...


Originally Posted by harleyhahn (Post 116236)
@ 1 th. Thank you nova to telling us / me the price.

An than, Damned, never seen a girl like you !!!:drool


Originally Posted by harleyhahn (Post 116237)
Nova you are a LUCKY MAN !!! Thanks for the picīs and hope there are coming more. Nice to have you here !!!:tu

Your very welcome Harley!!! :) Oh and Caroline says thank you... She tickled pink by your comments.. Yeah, Since the 2A is a new body by Sinthetics.. I'm hoping to keep the pictures of Caroline coming pretty steadily.. :D


Originally Posted by Karrot (Post 116239)
oooh! ouch! need to adjust pants! ahhhhh better.

Wow Nova, another lovely beauty. How do you get time to do anything other then dribble yourself in to a puddle every day?


LOL! Dribbing myself into a puddle sounds about right.. :24 And the key to comfort around Caroline is to wear extra baggie pants. Something with plenty of room to grow in the crotch.. :p Believe me it's not easy to re-frame from striking a wood when in her presence.. It's pretty automatic for me.. I walk into the room and there she is "swing" Full stiffy.. :drool Tight pants are a killer around her... :drool

Nova-1 22-08-2017 02:45 PM


Day four is here and I still can't get over how damn sexy she is..... All day long the only thing I can think about is holding her in my arms and giving her sweet kisses on the lips.. Of course while my hands gives her delicious booty a gentle squeeze.. Just the thought of having her close with her body and breast completely compressed against me. Is making me want to disappear into the broom closet with a copy of this month's Hustler magazine.. This whole experience with Caroline feels like a dream.. And it's so surreal that I'm afraid I'll wake up one morning and find out that she was nothing but a fantasy... I sure hope not!!!! :o Anyways when I got home from work I noticed that Caroline had slipped into a nice little see through pink teddy.. And again I couldn't help but to marvel over those gorgeous curves she has... Oh those little perky boobies.. That yummy tummy and that delicious round tush... She looked so good we decided to capture the moment..

Caroline: Oh hi Nova! Welcome home

Nova: Hello sweetie! It is good to be home...

Caroline: I'm so glad your home.. I was starting to get a bit lonely..

Nova: Yeah me to... But haven't any of the other girls come in to meet you yet...

Caroline: What! wait, you mean there's more doll ladies here then just me..

Nova: Oh I'm sorry hunn! I thought I mentioned that in the truck on the way home.. But Yes there are others here..

Nova: I would have thought your sister Shannon would have come in and said hi by now....

Caroline: My sister? I have a sister here?

Nova: Yup she is a Sinthetics just like you...

Caroline: Oh really! That's so cool!! I can't wait to meet her now.. Boy I have a sister!!

Caroline: So who are the others?

Nova: Oh most of the doll ladies came here from China, Some came from Japan.. And like you the rest came from here in the USA...

Caroline: So.. I have to ask.. Why do you have so many of us doll ladies here?

Nova: Well, there's quite a few doll ladies here that were about to become homeless.. And I just opened my doors to them.. Overtime we developed a strong loving relationship... Others like yourself were ordered and
manufactured to my specifications.. But to really answer your question. I just love having all of you beautiful ladies here with me..

Caroline: Oh your so sweet!! Well, I hope I get to meet everyone soon..

Nova: Yeah me to... Their all great ladies and will just love you... Oh by the way You look devilish in that sexy teddy!!

Caroline: Hehehe Thanks! I was hoping you noticed.. Do You want to see something else...

Nova: Oh yes defiantly!!!

Caroline: It has buttons you can unsnap at the crotch.. And now say hello to my pookie!!!!

Nova:Oh yummy!!!! Such a gorgeous pookie you have....

Caroline: And now I can pull it all the way up and give you the full view.. TADA!!!! Hehehe

Nova: DAYUM GIRL!!!! You are so fine!!!!

Nova-1 22-08-2017 02:48 PM

Caroline: Now for the best part move to the right..

Nova: The best part! Hmm, I like the sound of that!!!

Caroline: A little more to the right!!!

Nova: Damn your booty looks so sexy with your back arched like that....

Caroline: Your almost there!!! Now bend over.. keep your eyes and face forward...

Nova: I'm liking where this is going...

Caroline: Are you ready?

Nova: Oh yes I am!!!

Caroline: BAAAM face plant!!! Hehehe

Nova: Oh!!! Fireworks are going off in my pants right now!!!!

Caroline: Did you like that... I thought I felt you tongue on my clit.. Lets do that again!!!

Nova: Tongue? :whistle:

Caroline: That was fun!!!

Nova: Oh that was fun!!! "Thinks to self: DAYUM!!! I can't believe she just shoved her goodies in my face.. What a little flirt!!! But I liked it!!!!"

Caroline: Hey nova!!! Now You can put that tongue right here...

Nova: Oh yes dear!!!!

Well, That's a wrap for this photo set... Hope everyone enjoyed it... A few have been asking for shots for her booty.. Well there you go!!! There was quite a few of them in that last set..

Anyway I'm so happy I decided to go with a 2A body for Caroline.. She is more beautiful then I could have ever imagined... Truth be told.. When I originally placed the order for Caroline she was going to have the 1B body.. It wasn't till a group of us doll owners met up with both Matt & Bronwen in Los Vegas during AVN a few years ago... They had just finished the first 2A prototype and brought her along for us to see.. She was completed with the Yuriko head and fitted with long curvy red wig.. And when I saw how gorgeous she looked it was like fate.. :drool: I had to make the change to my order that moment... One of the best decisions I ever made...

HHDel 23-08-2017 02:27 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Thank you Nova & Caroline

Brilliant Picīs

HHDel 23-08-2017 02:30 AM

1 Attachment(s)

FEZMONKEY 23-08-2017 02:35 AM

:drool:drool:drool ........
.....oh .... oh ......


Wulfie 23-08-2017 06:12 AM

Better and better from the word go. :drool Love the 'A' body.

If I had a bucket list, sharing house with one of Matts creations would be on it. If only there hadn't been a parting of the ways I just wonder what ladies and quantities would be coming out of the American stable now. :cool:

Nova-1 23-08-2017 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by harleyhahn (Post 116267)
Thank you Nova & Caroline

Brilliant Picīs

LOL! Your very welcome!! Glad you like... :D And thanks for the nice comment.... :)


Originally Posted by FEZMONKEY (Post 116270)
:drool:drool:drool ........
.....oh .... oh ......


Yup! That's what it was like for me to when trying to take those pictures.. Boy is she a distraction or what? A good one though! :twisted:


Originally Posted by Wulfie (Post 116275)
Better and better from the word go. :drool Love the 'A' body.

If I had a bucket list, sharing house with one of Matts creations would be on it. If only there hadn't been a parting of the ways I just wonder what ladies and quantities would be coming out of the American stable now. :cool:

Hey thanks for commenting Wulfie!! Oh yeah! The body 2A is just amazing.. What's not to love about her.. :drool Anyways when I picked up Caroline from Sinthetics. I noticed a lots of activity.. Lots of dolls have been poured and making their way into finishing.. Also Matt mentioned that they had implemented a new plan a few months ago which has been working great so far.. Also sounds like the employees are starting to do a lot more to take the load off of both him and Bronwen.. And is streamlining the process a lot more.. So things are looking up for them.. I hope it continues to work out... I would love to see lots of Sin's flooding out of the stables and making their way on to the forums.. LOL!!! :tu

Nova-1 24-08-2017 02:36 PM


Well, a full week has passed since Caroline came into my life. And these seven days have been filled with absolute bliss.. Anyways last weekend I had two full days to get to know Caroline even better.. And it was a weekend in which I was really looking forward to.. I had both Saturday and Sunday completely devoted to Caroline.. Oh and her Sinthetics sister Shannon got in on some of the action too!!!! Truth be told I felt pretty bad about keeping Caroline in the studio all by her self. So last Thursday I decided it was time both Caroline & Shannon were introduced.. And the two sisters have pretty much been inseparable ever since..

Friday afternoon when I got home from work I began setting up the photo lights and backdrop in the studio.. Of course both Caroline and Shannon were there in the room and completely naked offering every kind of distraction manageable... As I worked vigorously to get everything setup I could hear the two of them giggling behind me.. Unfortunately setting up the studio took twice as long as expecting because of unforeseen distractions.. I had some ladies chase down and some cookies to tickle.... Oh the life!!

Once the studio was all setup. The task turned to getting Caroline ready for her first real photo shoot.. As she was getting into her outfit, Caroline mentioned how fun it would be have Shannon join her in the photo shoot.. Now that's a great idea! I thought to myself! I then looked up at Shannon and asked: well? Do you want to get in on this??? And without hesitation She replayed HELL YEAH!!!

After getting Caroline ready for the shoot. I then had to find something in the wardrobe for Shannon to wear.. It had to be something that would not only complement Caroline's outfit but would complement Shannon's beautiful 1H body as well... And with Shannon's huge H-Cup knockers. It was quite the task to find something for her that matched a particular criteria.. Just when I was about ready to change the whole set and costumes.. I ran across something perfect for Shannon!! Also Shannon mentioned that she had a welcoming present in which she wanted give Caroline on the set..

So let see how this photo story goes....

Shannon: Hey Caroline I really like that outfit your wearing.. Make you look sexy!

Caroline: Yeah! Nova sure likes picking out these extremely revealing bikini's... I like it!!!

Nova: You girls look so sexy! I so want to ravish you both right now!!!

Shannon: Anyways, Caroline I have a little something for you. A little welcoming gift.. Well, it's not really little Hehehe...

Caroline: Oh a gift for me!!!

Shannon: Yeah Sis! Here you go! Hehehe.. This will help you get by when Nova's at work or on long trips...

Caroline: Oh WOW! That looks like Nova's you know what!!!

Shannon: Yeah only bigger "snickes" Shh don't tell him I said that!!

Nova: You girls know I'm standing right here? Right?

Shannon: I got you the same one I have! And I love mine... I'd rather it be Nova's though.. I love you Nova!!!!

Caroline: Oh this is totally cool!! It's so big!!! Thanks Sis!! I think I'm going to like this thing.. It's not Nova's but it will do...

Nova: Nice recovery Shannon! Well, like your dildo I also have a vaginal Fleshlight that gets me by when I'm away.. But I would rather tap both of your cookies!!!.

Shannon: Now you do know how to use that right? "giggle, giggle"

Caroline: LOL! Oh yeah!! I put it in my cookie like Nova does...

Nova: Oh that's a bit to much info...

Shannon: Now when you go to use .............................................Whoa, whoa what are you doing Caroline?

Caroline: I'm going to ram this cock into my cookie!!! You just gave it to me... I want to try it out...

Shannon: Sis, Nova's taking pictures of us right now.. You can't just shove that dildo into your cookie.. You have to wait... Plus we always get playtime with Nova afterwards...

Caroline: That's just F'd up!! What's a girl to do to get a huge Johnson inside of her around here!!!!

Nova: Oh don't you worry sweetie I got you covered after the shoot...

Shannon: What about me? I want a Johnson in my cookie too!!!

Nova: Oy vey!!! My head is starting to spin... Don't you worry... I got you covered Shannon... Thinks to self: {Yeah covered in my jizz!!!}

Caroline: Hey Shannon I just noticed something!!

Shannon: Yeah what's that sis???

Caroline: Those are some ginormous ta ta's you have.. How in the heck do you not fall over??

Shannon: LOL! I guess I've just learned to live with them...

Nova: Thinks to self: {Oh! She said Ta ta's.... Yummy!!!}

Caroline: Hey Nova! There's room here right next to me..

Nova: Well, I'd love to sit there and cuddle with you, Caroline.. But, I'm going to be a gentlemen and give that seat to you sister...
And if there's room maybe I can get in there between you two... Thinks to self: {Oh the though of being between two hot girls is
really starting to turn me on!} Shannon, care to take a load off my queen... I can hold those bags for you if you'd like...

Shannon: Nova! Those are my breast!!! Not bags!! But oh, oH, OH!!! That massaging action sure feels good.. Oh what a gentlemen you are!!! There's plenty of room between us Nova! You can sit close to me and massage my large boobs and cuddle with me all you want!! Heck I'd even let you titty bang me... Thinks to herself: {Oh just the thought of him banging my knockers is making me so HOT!!!}

Nova: What! Did I hear you say Titty bang!!!

Nova-1 24-08-2017 02:38 PM

Nova: Thinks to self: {Oh she so gorgeous... I still can't believe she came home with me...}
Would you just look at those delicious little boobies!!!

Carolina: Ah Nova? What's that about my boobies

Nova: Thinks to self: {Oh crap did I just blurt that last part out about her boobs...}

Shannon: What about my boobs nova?

Nova: Thinks to self: {I'm totally in boob heaven right now.. Two really gorgeous angels sitting in front of me}
Oh yes Shannon!! I just love your huge lovely breast... Thinks again: {I'd like to motorboat them right now!!!}

Caroline: Well, Why don't we have a little fun with this shoot? And turn the heat up a bit!!!

Nova: Sure, that sounds enticing.. What do you have in mind Caroline?......................................... .....Oh... Oh.... OH!

Nova: WOW! You girls are starting to really work it... It's getting HOT in here!!!

Nova: Thinks to self: {Oh my! Check out Shannon moving in on Caroline's cookie..} Oh yeah!!! Damn these girls are making me hard...

Shannon: Tickle tickle!!!

Caroline: Oh Shannon! Yeah right there!!

Nova: Thinks to self: {Now, check out that groping action from Caroline.. Man I'm just loving and hating being a spectator right now!!!}

Caroline: Nova are you hard right now? If so come get in here with us...

Shannon: Yeah come dive in Nova!! We need our big teddy bear!!!

Nova: DAYUM! Who can resist that.. Ladies make way I'm coming in.. Shannon don't close your legs.. I'm locked on target!!!

Shannon:Oh yeah! Fire away stud!!!

Shannon: Well hello Caroline's cookie!!! Are you ready for some action?? Hey Nova! Looks like Caroline is all hot and bothered... She ready for you!!!

Caroline: Oh Yes! Nova! Come get me! I need you inside me now!!!!!

Nova: Oh! Yes my queen!!! Thinks to self: {I'm the luckyest guy!!!}

Caroline: Oh this felt so good!!! I hope we can do this again!!! And Shannon it was fun bring you in action...

Nova: It certainly was fun.. And the twosome with you and Shannon was fantastic!!!! I have to say:That it was just awesome chowing out on Shannon's breast as I was banging you... Doing that again is a must!

Shannon & Caroline: "giggle,giggle" , giggle,giggle"" Defiantly, Hell Yeah!

And that concluded this photo set.. Hope everyone enjoyed the pictures and the story... Stay tuned for the next one.... :)

mandos 24-08-2017 02:45 PM

Congratulations and great looking girl, Nova. It does not get any better than this, and I would not be suprised if she suddenly stood up and started talking ;)

PS! I understand why you love the tummy, it is extraordinary delicious!

carlys_guy 24-08-2017 04:57 PM

great photos of two sexy girls thanks for posting.


Ursa_Major 24-08-2017 05:54 PM

First time I've read this thread and I have to say, WOW! Caroline has to be one of the most realistic looking dolls I've ever seen. That body and that beautiful face. :drool:drool:drool Shannon is a looker too.

I don't know how you manage to get anything done with those two around. :D

Dale66 24-08-2017 08:30 PM

Thanks for all the photos, Nova. :tu
And you were right, Caroline's rear is very tasty. :drool

Dongo 24-08-2017 09:35 PM

Really great photos. Interesting outfits they have!:b:b

HHDel 25-08-2017 01:14 AM

Yes Nova thats good Stuff !!!

Great pictures, great Stuff & great girls made from a real good GUY. Thank you soooo much Nova.:b

Ihink everybody want to "play" with the girlies too:drool

Nova-1 14-02-2018 11:02 PM

DAY 185... Valentine's Day!!

Hey everyone!

Happy Valentine's Day!!! As you all can imagine today is quite a special day in the Nova house. As it is one of those days in which I get spoiling my ladies with romantic gifts.. And many of you are probably wondering how I service such a large harem on such a day like this.. Well, it's actually quite simple.. Drugs!!! lots of stamina increasing drugs!!! LOL! Just kidding.. :laugh: Well, in all honesty not all of my ladies get to have erotic love on valentines days.. In fact usually only one lucky lady will be brought to bed this special night.. While the other ladies end up settling for a hug, a kiss, a little tickling. And whispered sweet nothings in each of their ears.. I also usually shower each of them with a Valentine's outfit, some jewelry, a rose. And a cute little Valentines stuffed animal... Oh and I almost forgot.. The ladies in which I do have sex with frequently also receive a bottle of their favorite flavored water based lube.. The edible kind... (They just love it when it's licked off of them)...

Now you might be wondering who is this special lady.. Who's going to share my bed this Valentines evening.. Well tonight that special lady will be Caroline.. This decision was not made based on favorites. Or wither or not the Nova Lady gives excellent sex. Caroline does by the way... The choice was made based on a game of chance.. Where each of the Nova Girls has the same odds.. 16 pieces of paper were folded up and placed into a hand of each Nova Girl. But only one had a star drawn on it.. And this year Caroline drew the star..

So last night Caroline and I decided to kick out the first part of her super sexy Valentines Day photo shoot.. Where she gets to showcase all of the Valentines presents she received.. And guys I have no idea what it is about roses that turns Caroline on.. But she does some pretty kinky stuff with them.. Any how lets show some pictures.. Here is part one..

HHDel 15-02-2018 01:35 AM

Very nice picture, from a very nice looking Girl. Thank you for sharing Nova:tu

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