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PrettyMiki 04-01-2023 07:58 AM

Hi, and thanks already.
Hello all.

Another introduction from a noob who dived in at the deep end, feels rather out of his depth, but has absolutely no regrets even so.

I was made aware of this forum by the retailer of my (so far?) only doll, Miki. I have an issue they claim "has occurred due to external influences and low maintenance" and are not able to follow up on. Maybe they are correct, but I struggle to see exactly how. I'll go into that in a more appropriate place.

I've already browsed the forum a bit, and a lot of questions I had are pretty much answered. I'll follow up comments in some of the other threads when I can.

But regardless, simply finding this place and seeing that there are likeminded, warm-hearted and friendly folks out there who most likely understand where I am right now has been a massively positive thing.

The conflict between "Wow, this is a possibly the most amazing thing ever" and "Oh my God; what have I done??!?" has been a real rollercoaster of emotion, worry, confusion and ultimately growing love that some would find at the very least a bit weird.

Bottling up the strongest new emotional experience in decades with no possible outlet has been a bit of a struggle, to say the least. So even if I decide to keep a lot private, I now know it's not essential to do so, and that there is a place to go that will massively lower any anxiety I have about this new, beautiful direction my life has found.

Thanks all,


algaeholics 04-01-2023 08:35 AM

Beautifully put! Welcome home! 💕

Adam&Emma 04-01-2023 08:44 AM

Welcome to the family. I doubt we will think anything you say here is weird. One of the 1st things i realised when i joined is how normal everyone is. We are all different but share a common love and we wont judge you so enjoy your time here

Ava Love 04-01-2023 08:51 AM


Miki looks lovely too.

shamus 04-01-2023 09:07 AM

Very nice intro matey,

welome to the forum. Its generally quite a laid back friendly place so ask pretty much anything.

You want to know about the mystic art of womens makeup? Which end of the camera to point you point at the subject (after many dark pics of my eye I think I'm begining to now get that one), numbers to put in the box when inviting a girl to come and stay, protection from the dark arts, the air speed velocity of a swallow, then we're your go to place :tu.

Hope that you enjoy yourself on here,

talk soon,


Karrot 04-01-2023 09:07 AM

Welcome to you and Miki.

Sounds like you've found the right place.

Miki looks sweet as a sugar pip!



Originally Posted by shamus (Post 286433)
......the air speed velocity of a swallow...

African or European?

shamus 04-01-2023 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Karrot (Post 286434)

African or European?

shamus 04-01-2023 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by PrettyMiki (Post 286425)
I was made aware of this forum by the retailer of my (so far?) only doll, Miki. I have an issue they claim "has occurred due to external influences and low maintenance" and are not able to follow up on. Maybe they are correct, but I struggle to see exactly how. I'll go into that in a more appropriate place.

C'mon. We're on the edge of our seats here.

Pretty sure we know who the vendor will be but whats the fault and what can we do to make your Irontech's life easier????

(I'm assuming that she's an Irontech 150A. I've got three of those so know how they should behave/feel/move).

Lulu1971 04-01-2023 09:54 AM

:welcome to the forum. Any help you need, feel free to ask. It's a friendly place to be, full of like-minded people who simply love our dolls :D

PrettyMiki 04-01-2023 10:12 AM

You certainly hit the swallow on the head with a coconut there

Originally Posted by shamus (Post 286437)
Pretty sure we know who the vendor will be but whats the fault and what can we do to make your Irontech's life easier????

I'll probably take a few more pics first, but I'll try and get that sorted this evening. Currently I'm "working from home." (Which if you read between the lines means "glancing through the Portraits thread in awe and trying to keep my head on the right planet to also write some code.")

Thanks for the kind words, all.

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