Forum Updates

Cyber Ted

Legendary Member
Hi All

The changes are now complete and with some hopefully pleasant surprises.

Bob and Timbo were keen to reward those members who regularly participate in the forum so some little extras have been added to your accounts.

PM storage allowance has been changed. Your PM allowance now increases as you obtain the various forum awards.

On obtaining your Bronze medal you will obtain access to a private members forum.

At Gold level you'll also get an increase in your maximum album and picture capacities.

Gold Excellence additionally get larger Avatar allowances.

These improvements are incremental and will automatically start to apply to your account from the next time you log on. You'll not see the increases immediately as it takes a couple of hours for each level to be implemented to your account. This prevents a huge rush on the database and site as accounts are updated.

Happy Posting. :D


Where is that mysterious private forum?


:D As you log-in and out over the next day or so your account will increment until it tops at the correct level. Then, access, you shall have, my young padawan. Started, your path has. :21


Oh and BTW,

Sam gave his permission for the use of his portrait in the post above. :D


He didn't really but I'm posting it anyway.


Quicker, ......Yes.

Easier, ......Maybe.

More Seductive, .....I'm typing in the nude with two naked dolls beside me, How does that work for you? :21 :21


On obtaining your Bronze medal you will obtain access to a private members forum.

So what's this private members forum for then? It sounds suspiciously like somewhere for you frequent flyers to say rude things about the rest of us behind our backs.

You're all big scared-ey cats. If you've got something to say then say it out in the open where we can all read it. :mad:


So what's this private members forum for then? It sounds suspiciously like somewhere for you frequent flyers to say rude things about the rest of us behind our backs.

You're all big scared-ey cats. If you've got something to say then say it out in the open where we can all read it. :mad:


Theres nothing I would say in there that I wouldn't say to your face... Miss paranoid bossy-boots! :p;):D

Well I guess that answers the question of whether we let bossy girly doll accounts into our special private members area. :p

All the special magic stuff happens in there,'s a shame you can't see it. :D

It's not just about what's said either, .....there are some great private pictures there too. ..... ;) There's the one with Phil and the 3 barmaids, and the one with Wulfie chasing the sheep, and soon there will be the one with Sam and the....

......what's that Amber? ....There are already dolls in there and you can see it too?

Oh doom. :o


LOL, It is my understanding that it's the bronze members have access to the new privet members forum. Does that mean when you become a gold member you loose access?:whistle:
Welcome NV!

You look to be a terrifying force to have to live with . . . Should be enough to frighten all spirits away . . . and bless the life of your man . . . May the birds of the night bless your home . . .
Welcome NV!

You look to be a terrifying force to have to live with . . . Should be enough to frighten all spirits away . . . and bless the life of your man . . . May the birds of the night bless your home . . .

I had a little problem with customs officers... And they had a big problem with me. :21
OOOH Welcome Naga Viper. :welcome

I'll bet you gave the customs officers a fright. :eek:

I hope that blood is from one of them. :twisted:

LOL, It is my understanding that it's the bronze members have access to the new privet members forum. Does that mean when you become a gold member you loose access?:whistle:

Nah Joe, you keep it once you've achieved Bronze. Unless you don't want it of course. ;)

OOOH Welcome Naga Viper. :welcome

I'll bet you gave the customs officers a fright. :eek:

I hope that blood is from one of them. :twisted:


Thanks Ted.

Well, they kept me 5 day. I was cold, angry, and very hungry...

Why one of them? :twisted: No, one was not enought... :twisted: I made a compilation... :whistle:

The USPS and Chronopost workers were fast and serious, i was quiet with us.
