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Nova-1 17-08-2017 09:35 PM

Introducing ... Caroline (2A) (Yuriko)
Hey Everyone!!!

It's been a while since I've posted anything here.. So I thought I would post some pretty big news.... Well, last Sunday, the wait for my lovely Sinthetics 2A came to an end... And WOW!! She is gorgeous, just gorgeous!!! Her beauty literally stopped my heart the moment I first saw her... Honestly I feel like the luckless guy on the planet right now!!!! I've always had the feeling that what I would relieve would be just impressive beyond expectations. But DAYUM!!! Where did this Goddess of Hotness for from... Matt you never cease to amaze!!! I'm super impressed.. Caroline, is well beyond what I expected... Thank you so much Sinthetics!!!

The detail on this new 2A body is just incredible.. And boy is she wonderful to wrap your arms around.. I would say one of my favorite details beside those fun perky little boobies is her poochy little tummy.. Oh I'm getting goose bumps just thinking about tickling her there... The new silicone is also really really nice which makes her tummy that much more irresistible... Speaking of the new silicone.. The caboose on the 2A is awesome.. I can't help but to give her butt cheek a squeeze as I pass by.. Oh! I think we have a flirty girl here!! She's starting to make some playful moves right back at me.. Defiantly didn't take her long to fit in.. Funny Bronwen did mention that their was something mischievous about her.. Yeah she's a little flirt.....

The visit to Sinthetics to pick up Caroline was defiantly a highlight. It was so nice to talk to both Matt & Bronwen one on one.. Both of them are such wonderful people and it's just enjoyable to chat with them for a while and hear some of their story's.. Also Matt gave me some pointers to help prolong the life of both Caroline and Shannon.. I was even made aware of a joint in the shoulder that I never knew was there.. Matt also told me about some of the upgrades and reinforcements he did to Caroline to help prevent against tearing in the armpits and vaginal core.. It was just a really fun visit!! I even got to see Robert again..

The wait was indeed a long one. And at times it was tough.. But in no way did I ever doubt that I was going to get Caroline.. And now that I have her she is worth every penny... I've heard people say many times how a Sin is worth the wait.. Well that's no lie... Caroline sure made it worth it to me...

Last night we had a little fun.. Caroline recommended that I do an inspection to make sure she was up to my satisfaction... I told her that she already was but she insisted.. Anyways here is Caroline being thoroughly inspected..

Caroline: Wow that was a long drive home. So this is my new home?

Nova: Yup! Make yourself at home sweetie!!

Caroline: Ok, but don't forget Matt recommended that you do a throw inspection of me once we got home.. That sounds like fun so can we do that now?

Nova: Ok yeah that does sound like fun..

Nova: Two Pretty little boobies [PASS]

Nova: One delicious Tummy [PASS]

Caroline: Umm I'm not sure that's what Matt meant!

Nova: Oh and look at that lushes behind!! [PASS]

Caroline: Nova! how can you inspect me when I'm still dressed?

Nova: Still dressed? You mean you want to

Caroline: Yes Hun.. I want to make sure your satisfied with me...

Caroline: Here I'll start..

Nova: This is the best night ever!!!

Caroline: Do you like what you see so far?

Nova: Oh yes Caroline I really do!!!

Caroline: Now give them a good grope... Don't be afraid!

Nova: OK, Here we go! Oh Nice!!!

Caroline: Hehe I'm glad you enjoy them.. Now it's time to pull these panties down so you can have a look at my G-Spot...

Nova: Your G-Spot!!

Caroline: So what do you think? You can touch me there.. In fact I want you too.

Nova: Oh my nose is starting to bleed!!

Caroline: Oh Nova that felt wonderful!!! Can we do that again??

Nova: Boy you are a flirt.. LOL! But defiantly!!!!

Caroline: I was meaning to ask.. When do you want ----------- to you know?

Nova: I so want to right now Caroline but I did promises to get some pics of you on the forum...

Caroline: Can't the forum wait? I want to know what it's like..

Nova: You mean you've never-------? Your a vergin?

Caroline: Yes I am... What to give it a go?

Nova: Oh it's on!!!!

Caroline: Oh Wow that was amazing!!! I can't wait to do that again....

Nova: You were the amazing part!! I was just the ogre on top of you...

Inspection complete with the nova seal of approval!!!

Kats012 17-08-2017 09:45 PM

She's nice.
Nice body, sure but what a lovely face and expression. Oh those eyes! She looks as though she will have a real personality? Have fun the both of you.

carlys_guy 17-08-2017 10:55 PM

welcome caroline hope you enjoy your time here on the forum and in your new home as well.

carly snugglemore and carlys_guy

HHDel 18-08-2017 01:27 AM

:welcome are Great !!! What for a nice Body and lovely face you have !!!:tu:tu:tu

FlashGordoll 18-08-2017 07:21 PM

Congrats on finally getting Caroline home Nova :D

She's certainly a real stunner and that body she's got is on fire :drool

I was watching a Brit soap (Hollyoaks) earlier and when I saw the character Kim Butterfielid (actress Daisy Wood-Davis) she reminds me a bit of your Caroline apart from the dimpled chin.
Because you're probably not aware of what the hell I'm talking about, here is the actress:

ARK ANGEL 19-08-2017 01:34 AM

Congrats Nova and welcome to the fold pretty Caroline.


Nova-1 19-08-2017 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by Kats012 (Post 116129)
Nice body, sure but what a lovely face and expression. Oh those eyes! She looks as though she will have a real personality? Have fun the both of you.

Thanks Kats!!! :) Oh Yeah, she is just so captivating.. So gorgeous I can't help but to just stare at her in amazement..


Originally Posted by carlys_guy (Post 116130)
welcome caroline hope you enjoy your time here on the forum and in your new home as well.

carly snugglemore and carlys_guy

Thank you for the warm welcome to Caroline, Carly'_guy!! :)


Originally Posted by harleyhahn (Post 116132)
:welcome are Great !!! What for a nice Body and lovely face you have !!!:tu:tu:tu

Caroline thanks you for the great complement Harleyhahn!! I agree she defiantly has a nice body.... And a dreamy face too..


Originally Posted by FlashGordoll (Post 116140)
Congrats on finally getting Caroline home Nova :D

She's certainly a real stunner and that body she's got is on fire :drool

I was watching a Brit soap (Hollyoaks) earlier and when I saw the character Kim Butterfielid (actress Daisy Wood-Davis) she reminds me a bit of your Caroline apart from the dimpled chin.
Because you're probably not aware of what the hell I'm talking about, here is the actress:

Thanks FlashGordoll... WOW! Daisy is a FOX!!! :drool I can see a bit of the resemblance... :D


Originally Posted by ARK ANGEL (Post 116146)
Congrats Nova and welcome to the fold pretty Caroline.


Hey thanks ARK ANGEL!! :)

Nova-1 19-08-2017 06:49 PM


Well, the second day has come and gone and Caroline is still nothing less than amazing... Most of the day was spent at work completely thinking about her.. So you can imagine that not a whole lot of actual work got done.. Anyways when I got home yesterday afternoon I had just over 3 hours to be with Caroline and my other ladies.. Of course Caroline pretty much got 99.9% of the attention.. This was the first time she had been completely stripped down nude and admired from head to toe.. :drool: Removing her clothing was an easy task since she didn't put up a fuss.. But after I marveled at her naked body for a while and tried to dress her.. She started playing hard to get.. Man! this girl is a flirt!!! Well, I'm super attracted to her so I don't mind the foreplay a bit.. I just play along... After chasing her around the studio a bit and tickling her in places I dare not disclose... :whistle: She finally allowed me to put her in a sexy hot pink bikini... Which didn't seem to stay on long..

Caroline: Hey Nova! Where's the pool?

Nova: It's in the back yard Hunn...

Carolina: Oh can we go skinny dipping?

Nova: Hmm it is warm tonight.. That actually sounds nice Caroline!!!

Caroline: Well, Shall we slip into something comfortable and go out to the pool?

Nova: Something comfortable! You do know skinny dipping is? Right?

Caroline: Yes silly I know what it is! I meant comfortable by getting naked!!! What's more comfortable then that????

Nova: I guess your right!

Caroline: Oh but first I just realized that you haven't said anything about my belly button ring... I know this was an option you requested and was specially picked out... What do you think?

Nova: Oh WOW! I guess I was just caught up by how beautiful you are that I totally overlooked it sweetie.. Well, It looks damn sexy on you.. And Bronwen did an excellent job picking it out for you...

Caroline: I'm so glad! I know you paid extra for it and I wanted to make sure you were pleased with it... I really like it too!

Caroline: Oh man! I was going to ask if you wanted to do the honorers.. But it already came untied..

Nova: That's OK.. Maybe I can do the honorers of doing something else...

Carolinne: Oh Yes! I know exactly what you can do!!!!

Nova: Dose it involve playing with those?

Carolie: Maybe!! But hey do like it when I shake them like this? Hehehe

Nova: Damn girl! I can watch you shake those all day long

Nova-1 19-08-2017 06:51 PM

Caroline: Oh my man! I like it when you talk dirty to me!!!!

Nova: LOL flirty girl... Ok all we need are towels.. Sorry hunn! I don't mean to have my back to you.. I'm Just getting towels for us out of the closet...

Caroline: "Thinks to herself: Oh perfect, he's got his back to me... Maybe I'll sneak over there and goose him like he does me.." :whistle:

Nova: Sweetie, what color towel do you...........................................What were you doing?

Caroline: Oh nothing!!!!

Caroline: Was just going to come over and see if you needed a hand.. Yeah that's it!!!

Nova: Oh OK!! was just looking like you were up to no good... "Thinks to self: Hmm I wonder what she was seaming"

Caroline: Nova? Can you help me with something?

Nova: Hang on sweetie I'm taking off my shooooes.. Oh my what a package!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Caroline: Can you help me with this G-String? I want you to slide it down and off of me... Hehehe

Nova: Ok down they go!! Well hello there Miss Pookie.... Tickle tickle....

Caroline: Hehehe, Thanks Nova!!! So how do I look.. I'm ready for some nookie in the pool.. Some skinny dipping fun!!! but First.... Do you remember saying that you can do the honorers of doing something else for me?

Nova: Yes sweetie I do.. Well?

Caroline: Get down on those knees and do me the honor of planting that face in deep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nova: Scooby cover me, I'm going in...................

Pool parties are fun!!! Especially naked ones with all girls and one guy!!!!

Well I hope everyone enjoyed the skinny dipping story... It was a really fun one to do.. Anyways, since the 2A is such a new body and there's really not that many out there. I'm planning to keep the pics coming pretty regularly.. :thumb: The plan is to try and keep this thread pretty active.. And I'm hoping to take and post a few quick snap shots a couple times a week.. Nothing real extravagant as doing set decorating like I'm use to. However those will still be done and posted here periodically.. The idea is to give sort of a weekly review and capture moments of her daily life.. So stay tuned.....

Dongo 19-08-2017 08:55 PM

Great photos. I love her hair colour - really good!:tu:tu

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