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Nova-1 03-04-2018 03:10 AM

My Sinfully Sexy Easter Bunny "Caroline"
Hey Everyone,

In celebration of Easter this past weekend.. Both Caroline and I decided to do another photo shoot.. This time
she is wearing a cute and very naughty little Easter bunny outfit..

We hope you all enjoy the set..

Nova-1 03-04-2018 03:13 AM

Oh did I mention that Caroline is a chocoholic?? And she is a fanatic for those Reese Peanut Butter Cups..
I don't know what it is.. But when she has to much chocolate she gets wired and super horny.. Which is why
I got her the biggest Reese Peanut Butter Easter Bunny I could find.. A whole pounds worth :whistle: :D

Nova-1 03-04-2018 03:15 AM

Lastly here are a few nice shots of her completely naked dancing on my bed..
See I told you!!! It's the Chocolate... :twisted::twisted::twisted:

These are some of my favorite profile shots of her..

Lucas Jnr 03-04-2018 03:42 AM


Originally Posted by Nova-1 (Post 126807)
Lastly here are a few nice shots of her completely naked dancing on my bed..
See I told you!!! It's the Chocolate... :twisted::twisted::twisted:

These are some of my favorite profile shots of her..

Absolutely fantastic pictures, but how on earth did you get her to balance standing on the bed like that???

Nova-1 03-04-2018 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by Mondino (Post 126808)
Absolutely fantastic pictures, but how on earth did you get her to balance standing on the bed like that???

Wow thanks for that very nice complement.. As for how I got her on the bed like that.. Well here's my secret.. I used a lift system
which is anchored above the bed to hold her up.. Here is a picture of the hardware I used in that shot..

FlashGordoll 03-04-2018 08:45 AM

Brilliant shots Nova ! :b

I think Caroline makes a fantastic Easter bunny and you know what they say about rabbits... :drool

Very clever use of a hoist as well. :tu

mandos 03-04-2018 11:09 AM

Great set of photos, Nova! She looks like a real life Playboy bunny, hard to tell the difference :eek:

needadreamgirl 03-04-2018 12:54 PM

Sweet Caroline absolute perfection , you lucky thing Nova . Is she a Real Doll or a Sinthetic doll, she’s a real piece of art :drool :tu

carlys_guy 03-04-2018 02:34 PM

nice pictures it's good to see some normal size breasts.


HHDel 04-04-2018 05:15 AM

:b For me can Eastern take 365 Days in the Year....

Thanks sooooo much Nova

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