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Cyber Ted 05-04-2013 09:55 PM

New Sub Forum - Backstage at the Theatre
Hi All

You may, in the past, have noticed that new storyline threads appeared from nowhere with multiple replies and yet had not shown on the frontpage while being developed. Then again maybe not. ;)

What was happening was that the thread was developed out of sight in the mods forum and then moved when the original poster (OP) had got it to the stage where they wanted it to go live.

We decided to roll this facility out to the whole forum, so the mod team have created a new forum to allow this to happen. This is a sub-forum of the Theatre, called 'Backstage at the Theatre'.

This forum will allow you to develop a thread away from everyone else where only you and the mod helping you can see the thread, it will not appear on the frontpage or 'today's posts' pages, it will not be visible to anyone else while still in the Backstage. It cannot be searched for. Even someone who is also developing a thread of their own in the Backstage forum will not be able to see yours, nor you theirs.

While your thread is in the Backstage forum you will be able to close (lock) and open (unlock) it if you need to build it up over multiple sessions. When you are finished you can open it and PM the moderator who has been helping you, he will then move the whole thread to your chosen forum.
He can also rename the thread for you before moving it if you wish.

The forum works almost exactly the same as the others with the exception of the thread visibility and the fact that it will not affect your post count until you make it live and have it moved to the appropriate forum. Initially only the OP and the Mod will be able to post and reply in the thread. Once we are sure that all works as planned we will setup access for other members/dolls to your developing thread if you request it.

The mod helping you within the Backstage forum will also help you get your graphics into your post and setup to display as you wish.

To start a thread in the Backstage forum you will first have to PM the Backstage Moderator and ask for a password. The system may ask you for this password on subsequent visits to the Backstage forum. (If you have cookies set and remain logged in you will not be asked again after your first post.)

This forum will have its own Moderator and we are pleased to announce that revoL annaerB has agreed to take on this roll. His assistance and his ability with graphics packages make him the ideal candidate for this position.

I'm sure you will all join me in welcoming revoL to his new post and wishing him the best of luck in getting this new part of our forum working successfully. :b

We will publish a full set of instructions in the next few days but in the meantime if you have any questions please PM revoL. :)


philinotstine 05-04-2013 10:30 PM

Congratulations revoL on your new moderator role. Perfect man for the job, mate. I look forward to working with you on a creative project with my (or our) girls in the not-too-distant future.

Wulfie 05-04-2013 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by philinotstine (Post 39238)
Congratulations revoL on your new moderator role. Perfect man for the job, mate. I look forward to working with you on a creative project with my (or our) girls in the not-too-distant future.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yesssssssssssssssss, Pris, pris,Pris, pris,Pris, pris,, damn, got tooo excited there , sorrrrrrrrrrry :o

Ursa_Major 05-04-2013 11:58 PM

Sounds like a good idea to have somewhere to compose lengthy storylines. Although I haven't done one myself I can understand the frustration of getting odd replies in between your posts.

Congratulations to revoL on his appointment. :happy

Wulfie 06-04-2013 07:21 AM

You've got my vote on this Revol, it's your area of expertise and I'm looking forward to seeing the finished products. The older members here won't do any nasty surprises but the Hotspot is always there for anyone who wants to do 'downright dirty' :D.

Samurai 06-04-2013 07:34 AM

Well now its official :).
Welcome to the team Revol and thanks for taking on the role and the part of the forum thats all yours !

You photoshop skills are well frankly the best i have seen here on the forum thats why when Bob ask for help you were the first guy i thought about. I helped Bob in the flight thread so i know how time consuming the job is and to do a bit of Mod stuff as well, just remember you need to sleep as well. :21

Like i said you need any help or advice just let us know but something tells me your not a noob at this. :tu


dollman2 06-04-2013 12:34 PM

congrats on your new post revol:D

Tina 06-04-2013 02:26 PM

Well Done revol!
So your our new special effects man! The man that CAN! Will you be a bit like Q from James Bond. Congratulatons and well deserved. I'm afraid Loverboy's asleep, He came home this morning and looked shattered and went to bed. He left for work early again for work last night

Kate Kane 06-04-2013 05:28 PM

Brilliant. The Backstage forum is an incredibly useful facility. Congrats to revoL on appointment as backstage mod - I may need to call upon your services shortly. I've had a new and pretty complex thread in mind for a while but have been puzzling how to deal with some of the technical issues with my neanderthal level graphics skills.

revoL annaerB 06-04-2013 07:26 PM

Thanks everyone, I'll do my best to help in any capacity that is required, be it just the graphics, wording and ideas for storylines or whatever you need:tu

I'll also offer my help if you just have a single picture that you want help with.

This is a very interesting and unique feature that will aid in the story-building process for anyone wishing to do a lengthy thread without interruption.

I am honoured to be an integral part of the forum and thank all of you who support the decision to offer me this position.

Please remember that I have my limitations, all my knowledge is self-taught so there are things I don't know or can't do but I like a challenge and it will probably teach me things as I get pushed into areas beyond my abilities.

Anyone wishing to start something is welcome to PM me details of what you have and what you require. I'm looking forward to working with you when you are ready.

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