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Samurai 11-01-2013 06:37 PM

The Trouble With Girls!
Is you never realy know what going on with them.:evil:

Take last night for instance, i was making myself a cup of tea around 9pm and thought id ask the girls if they would like a cup also, So off i went climbing the stairs up to the girls room, Music was playing in the back ground and the door slightly open, a lot of whispering and giggling going on, I thought it would be fun just to listen for a while and see if i could here what they were taliking about, but with the music playing and the low tone of their voices, i could only make out a few words from each sentence spoken.

I'm trying to "join the dots" here but maybe its the way my mind works, because i don't like what im thinking they are saying.

Though some things its best us guys don't here, thats the trouble with eves dropping :D

Lilly : Hey Audrey do you have any......

Audrey : Sure, here have these, i don't think i will be needing any for a while

Lilly : Why are you..........

Audrey : I don't know... hope.... find... tomorro..

Can't realy make out everything as Sophie and Cindy now think they are contestants on Britans Got Talent (singing or at least trying to)

Knock Knock : I open the door, they seem a little startled, Anyone for tea : I ask.

No No were fine Sam, Look Sophie is painting my nails and Cindy is such a sweetheart brushing my hair : Lilly replys.

Audrey rushes past me and into the bathroom, Hey is Audrey ok :i said

Yeah she's fine ; came the reply

Ok then i will leave you girls doing your girlie thing.

And off i went back down stairs to enjoy my tea, However i could not help but think of the recent part conversation i accidently overherd :whistle:

I had a bit of a restless night with my brain working overtime.

Samurai 11-01-2013 06:57 PM

Trouble Continues
And thats another thing with girls, No matter how many bathrooms you have if you are a guy you have no chance.

I thought i was lucky as i have 2, One upstairs and one downstairs.

This morning someone was in the downstairs bathroom so obviously i went to the upstairs one, the door was open slightly so i went in thinking there was no one in there.

Ahrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, nooooooooooooooooo

Thats not what i wanted to see.

And you probably don't either but hey its part of the story. :D

Oh My God ! Lilliy screached Go away !!!!

Rather red faced i retreated very quickly, as i closed the door i said,: Well there is a lock on the door try using it !

But it got me thinking about last night again !

Samurai 11-01-2013 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Samurai (Post 34738)

Lilly : Hey Audrey do you have any......

Audrey : Sure, here have these, i don't think i will be needing any for a while

Lilly : Why are you..........

Audrey : I don't know... hope.... find... tomorro..

Could that have been "feminine products" Lilly and Audrey were taliking about ?

If so, then why would Audrey not need them for a while ?

And what is it she is going to find out today ?

You can find out the answer to these questions and more in the next chilling episode of ....

The Trouble With Girls !

Dongo 11-01-2013 09:45 PM

I know what you mean about bathrooms! :mad:

Kats012 12-01-2013 01:41 AM

Feminine Products?
For one awful moment I thought she was holding a pregnacy testing kit!!!!

Ursa_Major 12-01-2013 11:06 AM

That's what I thought too at first.

Samurai 12-01-2013 05:24 PM

Lets rewind the tape a bit...... :whistle:

Samurai 12-01-2013 05:31 PM

In the small hours she returns......

Iloveredheads 12-01-2013 07:07 PM

haha Classic Sam, gave me a chuckle................keep it up lol

philinotstine 13-01-2013 08:39 AM

Lovin it, Sam. Great stuff.:D:tu

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