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Karrot 19-02-2013 06:26 PM

An unexpected arrival........
Its been miserable weather here at The Patch, of late. Cold, windy, wet, snowy. You name it, we've had it. Jess and I have spent our evenings curled up in front of the TV with the fire on and a cosy blanket over us, enjoying the finest that Netflix and Comedy Central has to offer. Earl usually keeps to himself, doing his rounds and whatever else he does to occupy his time, but this evening he came knucking in with something of a concerned look on his face.

'Ere, Boss. you'd, er, better cam avva buchus at this. I dunno wot to make of it.

I gave Jess a look, kissed her and went and put on my coat and boots as Earl headed back towards the door. It was an Evil night out there, Blowy, wet and cold. The sort of biting chill that gets right in to the bones and once its there you arent going to shift it without a fire and a cuppa.

Earl led the way across The Patch towards the storage shed, who's door was banging open in the wind.

Was like that when i did me rounds, Chief , He said giving me a concerned look, Normally i'd just make sure nowts gone walkin' but i got a bit of a tingle in me snoz and fort i should cam get you, cos woss in there aint right.

Now this got me a little worried, because Earl isnt affraid to deal with anything, no matter how ickey it could get, but that wasnt the biggest part of it. The shed was filled with that special kind of silence, the one you get when something is trying very hard not to make any sound.

With a torch in my hand, Earl slowly opened the door. The beam played around the inside of the shed, coming to rest on a grubby blanket shivering in the corner and now starting to emit a quiet sobbing.

Please, came a small and scared voice, I just want to be out of the wind and rain. I wont be any trouble, and i'll be out of here in the morning.

Earl, after clambering up on to the shelves, locked eyeballs with me. I dunno squire, this could be trouble. Bit delicate this one. I could make a few calls.

No Earl, I said, No, We sort this out here and now.

You're not staying in here tonight, i called out as The little heap of blanket huddled up tighter and sniffed. You should come in to the house with Me and Jess. You cant stay out here tonight.

For the first time Cindy turned her face to me, tears of releif running down her cheeks.

Earl? Jess? You mean as in Karrot and Jess? a note of hope and disbelief in her voice.

s'right, grunted Earl. You's at The Patch, Darlin'. Means you got me to watch yer back, but also to keep you straight, gotit?

Got it! came Cindy's relieved sigh as i scooped her up and bundled her under my coat, her sodden clothes instantly sucking the heat out of me. I held her close, wrapping her up against the wind as we stepped back out in to the night.

Thank you, she whispered, as her head rested onto my shoulder and her eyes closed.

Earl locked up the shed as I headed back to the house with this precious cargo. This Little Lady was in need of some serious drying out, warming up and plushy TLC.

JESS! i called out as i closed the door and tried to stomp some life back in to my feet. BABY WE NEED TOWELS AND A WARM BLANKET!

Jess came rushing in, but stopped wide eyed as she saw the sorry little bundle in my arms.

Hey Sis, whispered Cindy with a weak, sleepy smile from under my coat.


Karrot 19-02-2013 06:30 PM

Oh my..... Cindy? Karrot? What do we do?, the tears welling up in Jess' eyes.

Towels, Blanket, go.. i said, urgin her off towards the cupboard as I took Cindy into the living room.

Jess scurried off and soon came back with a stack of Towels, a warm blanket and a worried look on her face.

What happened? she asked, kneeling down and wrapping Cindy in a warm, dry towel.

You know about Hexham? Well that sucked. There was nothing there for me, and I was out of cash and credit. I spent a few nights camping out on park benches and in bus stops hoping something would come up. I was starting to look a bit worse for wear and i didnt smell to good either, so getting a job was becoming more and more difficult.

Jess set about drying her feet off as she carried on telling

When I got into Newcastle I managed to hook up with a couple of guys who lived on the streets there, scrounged a sandwich and this old jumper, it was warmer than just a Tshirt over the plush but, well...... I'd heard Durham was better, but couldnt afford the bus, so I've been walking for the past couple of days.

Tears welled up in her tired blue eyes

I'd just about given up, it's no world out there for a little plushy girl. I found a shed and curled up under an old blanket, i didnt know what else to do. Looks like the goddess was watching over me though.

Jess bundled Cindy up in her arms, holding her sobbing little sister tightly, It's ok now, its over. We've got you.

And with that Cindy drifted off to asleep. Jess and I exchanged a glance as Earl ambled in.

'ow is the lil soggy sossij? he asked, cracking open a bottle of beer.

Drying out, sniffed Jess, obviously still distressed at the state of her little sister.

Sleep tight Cindy, We'll worry about tomorrow when it comes.........


Samurai 19-02-2013 07:06 PM

Ah ! so thats where you ended up. at the patch i'm sure Jess will look after you, not that you need any looking after and with Earl and Mr Karrot also there to keep you company i think you landed on your feet girl, though i do think the shed is the best place for you, but thats just my opinion, just glad to know you are safe and well, i just don't understand why i feel a little guilty, but i'm sure it will pass. :D

Commiserations to all at the patch. :whistle:

Sam.... :D

Kats012 19-02-2013 07:38 PM

Ah! Bless Her!
Look after her Karrot and Jess, Cindy is lovely. I wish she'd come to Birmingham! I'm so glad she's found a home with some loving people.

Karrot 19-02-2013 07:44 PM

I've shoo'd them both off to bed now. Cindy is flaked out and Jess doesnt want to leave her.


Ursa_Major 19-02-2013 07:45 PM

I'm pleased to see that Cindy has, albeit accidentally, found somewhere safe to stay. I'm sure Karrot, Jess and Earl will make sure she soon recovers from her ordeal.

revoL annaerB 19-02-2013 08:14 PM

Cindy, I am so glad you found somewhere you can call home...Sam, shame on you for sending her out on the streets, it's just lucky she found her way to a loving family:p

I am a sad git, this pic had me welling up and nearly leaking at the eyes!!!

I know Karrot and Jess will take good care of you.

philinotstine 19-02-2013 09:00 PM

My fave pic, too. Totally sums up the heartwarming story. Great that you found a new home with Karrot and Jess, Cindy. Wonderful stuff.

Dongo 19-02-2013 09:12 PM

Not a dry eye
Wonderful story - there wasn't a dry eye in the house!

Kats012 19-02-2013 09:21 PM

I'm going all misty-eyed. So glad she's safe. Poor kid and thank goodness for Jess's kind heart. Kat has been very worried and has wanted to phone round the hospitals. Now we can relax; she couldn't have found a nicer couple to stay with - and Earl of course.

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