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robertintx 11-01-2014 02:33 PM

I've been looking
For some reason I started looking at mannequin's on E Bay.
And I've read the threads on here.
There are some very nice, pretty and beautiful mannequin's all over and
got excited just looking and thinking.
But then reality set in, they are hard and sleeping with one could be dangerous turning over and getting whopped by an arm or something.
The "softie" ones I saw looked all wrinkled and deformed.
And modifying one would require a lot of skill to get it to look right and
turn out the way I'd want.
One would look nice just standing by the bed.
Maybe if I hear from some mannequin owners it might change my mind but
I'm back to checking out the poupee French ladies...
Any suggestions or comments.

Kats012 12-01-2014 01:10 AM

All depends.
It depends Robert if you want a realistic replica woman or not!
Mannequins - yes, nice to lok at but too hard maybe.
I'd say ..... get a teddy babe - soft, warm, yeilding, a great cuddle, great characters and heaps of fun!

robertintx 12-01-2014 08:40 PM

I'm thinking more along the lines of the French ladies, poupoee.. Sylvia to be exact..

robertintx 30-01-2014 10:34 PM

Well I did it again and yielded to temptation and visited the mannequins.
Dang they look so realistic and wonderful.
If they weren't so hard, cold and unforgiving.
I'm even considering getting one to just have standing around.
But I must admit they are very exciting.:drool

BoobsnBeachballs 30-01-2014 11:42 PM

Robert, you could get both, a standing mannequin for visual excitement, and a love doll for sex.

If it is financial and you must decide between one or the other, I'd say get a doll. If the mannequin turns you on, then what? A love doll can do both, turn you on, and give mind blowing orgasms like this. ;)


Halfstep 31-01-2014 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by robertintx (Post 55683)
Well I did it again and yielded to temptation and visited the mannequins.
Dang they look so realistic and wonderful.
If they weren't so hard, cold and unforgiving.

Hi Robert. I think Kats has summed things up right: it depends - principally on you and what you want. How well do you know yourself?

Now the long version. I won't bore you with the whole story of how or why I began thinking about dolls, but I would have described myself then as a very visual person. I ended up going for a Teddy Babe, but I was very nervous that her appearance wouldn't be realistic enough for me. The first night I cuddled her in bed I realised (to my surprise) that her visual appearance wasn't as important as I had imagined, and that her presence and shape played a much bigger part in creating the illusion of a surrogate female companion. I continue to be fascinated that such a patently unrealistic approximation of a human can have this effect on me, and am quite enjoying discovering a tactile part of me that I hadn't really been aware of before. That's just my experience - I'm not saying it's the same for everyone. What I am saying is that our conscious, rational perceptions of beauty or attractiveness may not be quite as important as they seem.

I think the Poupées look good, and could provide a comparatively inexpensive way to find out if an inflatababe does it for you. I've nearly bought one twice, with the intention of stuffing her, but I don't really have the space at the moment.

Paul121 31-01-2014 03:08 AM

Hi Robert - a very interesting, honest post and some sincere replies. For my two pennyworth I honestly think it depends on one's psychological makeup:

Though quite capable, and I absolutely love them, I can no longer, don't want to, 'do it' with a woman, hence me getting a Mannequin. I can dress her up - Jeeze, what beautiful dresses and little outfits I've brought her! Lingerie? Yes, that too.

I just love her from afar if you know what I mean. She became a sort of Neice, second removed - that I could dress up as prettily as I imagined she'd want to be but I'd never violate her.

dogzilla 02-02-2014 02:08 PM

What about a TPE doll from companies like 1AM and Beautiful Dolls. There not cheap, but waaaay cheaper than the silicone premier dolls.
This offer looks good:

dollman2 02-02-2014 02:27 PM

depending on the blend tpe can be good or bad not sure about buying from 1am as unfortunately i haven't dealt with them but Beautiful dolls are good.

samurai has bought from 1 am i believe.

check what doll he bought as the spine was flimsy looking but was bent numerous times be for braking and was relatively simple to fix apparently.:tu

robertintx 02-02-2014 04:21 PM

thanks for the offer but I've already checked the shipping rates from here to there, with harem and they are really prohibitive, way to expensive. again thanks and I'd love to see a pic of your mannequin.

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