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Matt K 08-10-2009 05:04 AM

Hello from Lovable Dolls
Hello everyone on the UK Love Doll Forum. We were happy to hear of this forum thanks to a post on TDF from Itsme. We hope to participate in helping this forum grow. We are happy to give any information you may require about our dolls and we're always willing to answer questions. If there is something special you'd like to see or know about, or ideas you have for products you would like to see in the future, please feel free to post and let us know!

Bob, thanks for starting this forum and giving doll enthusiasts another venue to chat and share consumer insights.

fflamingmoe 10-05-2010 06:21 PM

I would like to see hermaphrodite dolls hehe.No joke

Matt K 10-05-2010 07:01 PM

Fflamingmoe, we do offer a hermaphrodite/transsexual option with our standard female bodies. We can also do any type of custom genitalia you may want. You can see pictures of the transsexual option here:

For more information, feel free to email us at

fflamingmoe 10-05-2010 08:46 PM

Yup i,ve seen those but there is a difference between a Hermaphrodite and a Trans sexual.
If i could give you some reference pictures but my gues is that you would have to make a different mold because it would be nice to mold it in one piece not just slap it on.

Your Trans sexual looks nice though but needs to be more contourd so the top of the base isn't that noticeable.
It would be nice to see the penis part of the female genitalia.
Hell i might by your Trans sexual,And sent you an email.

Matt K 10-05-2010 09:26 PM

Hi Fflamingmoe,

We can definitely do a true hermaphrodite looking doll. It would require some custom molds but it's not out of the question by any means. Feel free to send pictures and let us know what you're looking for specifically and we can go from there. I'll be checking the emails and looking forward to helping you out. :)

fflamingmoe 11-05-2010 10:54 AM

Just to let you know i'm also a top A artists.
I'll do my best and it would be my pleasure to send you some of my work.
If you are willing to try this then i'm glad to help.
I'll try and get my scanner to work a little better because i hate it when the pencil don't show up, and i hate messing with my shades.
I'll start this week.

I'm done my Photoshop skills.
Let me know when you would like me to send my work.
I've done my Favoret star as a Hermaphrodite too Celeste
I did it in Photoshop so you would have a better reference in real detail insted of a drawing.
It would be nice to have my good taste in your next line of dolls.
And where do i send you my work?
And it would be cool to have a smaller look to your breast sizes like Kimberly Kane;) with this line of dolls.
Celeste Star;)
And this is coming from strait married guy that thinks this is awsome hehe.
And the good thing is my Wife don't care what i do and life is good hehe.
The only thing is my Wife said if i get one,She wants Adam lol.
And have you guy's thought about eliminating mold linefrom the pube area?
I know that 1 company has done that for a more realistic look.
And i just want to say that Matt K is a serious sculpture artists and should look into 3 different expressions for each doll.
But i guess thats up to the customer for custom work?
And is it possible for customers to ask for a look they are going for? expressions?

fflamingmoe 13-05-2010 11:20 AM

Lovable Dolls?:D
Matt K,If you see this don't let mold lines take away from your work because i know your as picky as i am.;)
Your the best in the business when it comes to detail.
Your Lovable feet line products speek for themselves.
I'm a fetish guy,and seeing your work in detail leads me to believe that you also had this in mind.
If you can't trick the mind in thinking it's real then it's a failure.
Think of way's to hide mold lines in better places to trick the mind.

A+++++++++++++++++++OUT! OF THE BALL PARK HOME RUN!
Your torso line products are an example of awsome products.

Matt K 13-05-2010 03:23 PM

fflamingmoe, please send us an email at so we can continue discussions. The picture you posted is partially blocked so I can only see her face (it doesn't seem to load correctly). I'd like to explain to you about the mold lines as well as there seem to be some misconceptions out there. Email is the best way to get into very detailed conversation.

fflamingmoe 13-05-2010 05:42 PM

I sent you guy's an email with,i think 4 detailed pictures.
I'll talk with you guy's in privet on detailed talks.
I sent them as attachments as JPg.
If you didn't get them i'll send them again because they could have landed in your junk folders.
I didn't know about the rules that go with nudity on this site so i censored the picture.
I sent the files again so email me and let me know.

I'll contintinue discussions through email.
The mold lines were inside joke nothing to do with your quality at all.
I seen other dolls from another place....... that had the mold lines going across the chest as well.
But i'll keep it to myself.

Matt K 13-05-2010 06:44 PM

Got your emails! :D I'll send a response today.

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