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Alistair 12-07-2010 10:23 PM

In training for doll ownership
You'll laugh, but the figure of 30 Kg haunted me as I am not exactly Charles Atlas and it is roughly double what I used to carry in rucksacks during my youth. Would I be able to carry such a huge weight?

So I duly weighed out 30 Kg of books and have now returned from a journey to the eight corners of the house carrying them.

Not only was this a success but I don't seem to have popped any hernias ...


... although I may now have to go lie down.

It might all have been a futile exercise with body 1 withdrawn.

Does anyone know if 30 Kg was with or without a head?

wetsuit 12-07-2010 11:00 PM

hi Alistair,

I would have thought the weight included the head,

good to hear your getting some practice in, just remember that it's not just the weight that makes them awkward to carry around but also the shape, & wether you opt for bridal lift or bear hug to move round different obstacles like door ways, stairs. & tight turns in hallways

Camp 14-07-2010 01:06 AM

No matter how you Train yourself, Doll handling is a unique situation.

There is a Learning Curve no matter how well you prepare yourself.

My Best Advice is "Plan your Moves"...

You will have to learn how to position your doll so she does'nt get finger pokes or scratch herself. Bending her knee's just right to take a seat.... etc.

You will be Fine.

The first few moves will be helped with a little adrenaline and testosterone.

Best of Luck !

Hope to see your Girl soon.

MrGrey 14-07-2010 03:52 PM

It is very wise of you to give her weight some serious thoughts,
before you get the doll, as her weight can be a major problem.

I was very surprised of how heavy she really was,
when I moved Yukitina the first time :p

Plan your moves, as Camp says
It's the best advice, you can get :D

Take it easy, and don't risk your or the dolls health
It takes some time to learn how to move her around :)




Alistair 25-07-2010 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by Camp (Post 3466)
Hope to see your Girl soon.

So do I!


It's good news about the head though. That'd make things much easier.

Matt K 30-07-2010 06:20 PM

Hello Alistair

There's a lot of great advice here, and we're glad to hear you're training for the weight of the doll. The 68lb weight for a B2 includes a head. The new B1 that will be released later this year will probably be lighter as the previous B1 was about 65lb.

A couple of keys to moving the doll is first identifying the best carry for you (we prefer the bear-hug in the shop most of the time) and also making sure you have a clear path where you wont trip over something or whack the doll on furniture/walls etc. A stand with wheels makes mobility so much easier - we do recommend getting or making a stand.

I'll try to keep an eye on this forum more regularly so I can answer questions, but if you're ever unsure of something feel free to email. We just ask that you copy both and as we're having some email glitches.

Alistair 08-08-2010 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by LovableDolls (Post 3673)
The new B1 that will be released later this year will probably be lighter as the previous B1 was about 65lb.



Originally Posted by LovableDolls (Post 3673)
we do recommend getting or making a stand.

I'm pretty sold on this idea. She'd probably need a wheelchair too.


Originally Posted by LovableDolls (Post 3673)
I'll try to keep an eye on this forum more regularly so I can answer questions

Don't worry. If I had a specific query, I'd contact you directly.

NorthernGuy 11-02-2018 02:00 PM

You're right you be concerned.
I had issues when I stated handling Lucy.
Good general fitness won't hurt but technique and planning your moves with your new beauty will help the most.

Haremlover 12-02-2018 01:13 AM

Dolls have many benefits :-)

Best wishes


Rene Lopez 27-02-2018 08:43 AM

Nice trying :b

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