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frugal 24-11-2017 03:59 PM

love doll clothing
can the dolls be kept dressed in storeage

Karrot 24-11-2017 05:50 PM

Yes, its best to keep them in something to keep the dirt off. Something looser, and if TPE, White so they dont get stains.

Also, :welcome


frugal 24-11-2017 07:24 PM

love doll clothing
Thanks for info
I one makes the clothing for her will it matter what type of material
ie satin

Karrot 24-11-2017 07:46 PM

Satin is good as its smooth. anything rough could scrub against her and roughen the surface up. Soft cotton is also good.


Dale66 24-11-2017 08:21 PM

Just to say welcome to the Forum, frugal. :welcome

frugal 24-11-2017 08:30 PM

love "Q"
I am new at unliving girlfriend:24
I read you should store your friend by hanging in a warm dark place.
would the be if you are not planing time with him/her for a wk and longer
can`t see why they could spend the night beside you

Karrot 24-11-2017 08:35 PM

I have several girls, well, several and several more. They all spend their time on beds in various rooms.

What girl do you have, and we can offer more specific advice.


frugal 24-11-2017 09:48 PM

its on its way .Just ordered . she is a ACSMSI
Material: 100% Silicone TPE with metal skeleton

What I had read about hanging the poor gal is from a different company
would they all be the same if there silicone TPE


Karrot 24-11-2017 10:04 PM

If she's a TPE doll then the neck is likely a gooseneck flexible tube, if thats the case DO NOT hang her from it, it will stretch and she will be ruined.

Your best bet is to lie her on her back on some Memory foam, or a good thickness of mattress foam if you dont have memory foam.


frugal 24-11-2017 10:12 PM

hang or not to hang
hi thanks for your info

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