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PinkLady 12-11-2011 11:02 PM

Ulyana's Shipping Crate.....
Just thought some dolly owners may be interested in what I have done with Ulyana's crate.

Black Bear supplies such a well made and sturdy crate for shipping it would seem a great shame not to use it more effectively. After a bit of thought I decided to turn it up on end and use it as a cupboard in one of the rooms.

I fitted a 27" 6 panelled door which fitted perfectly and matched all the doors in the house and the whole thing has now been integrated as part of the rooms features. I fitted a smaller box above the crate which can be used to store her personal items etc.. The lid has been screwed onto the back (or bottom) of the crate just in case I ever needed to move her in the future.

I have used a velvet upholstery material over 1/2" foam to give it a nice plush look and feel to the inside and also to give protection when moving her in and out, finishing off with silver domed nails to give it that padded look. A normal door lock and key was fitted and now anyone who roams the house would not suspect that Ulyana was in there waiting and if anyone did ask what the cupboard was used for I could say for keeping personal papers in. :D

I would also be most interested to hear how other doll owners store and protect their dollies from prying eyes, knocks and small accidents that might happen when generally moving them around.
PinkLady...... ;)

dennot 13-11-2011 07:24 PM

Great idea Pinky.

I was wondering what to do with the crate when my doll arrives (hopefully before Xmas).

Samurai 13-11-2011 07:29 PM

pure genius :D

Wulfie 13-11-2011 07:49 PM

Just wish I had a door like that with a hotty like her behind it :rolleyes:

jayjay 13-11-2011 10:10 PM

Great work PinkLady, a spectacular bit of camouflage.:)

Misty, my doll, is a working model, so she rides around in an office chair most of the time, with her hands tucked in away from any bumps and scrapes. She goes on her neck hook in the bedroom cupboard if anyone calls, that's not supposed to see her. When she's relaxing she's either in her chair or on her stand.:)

PinkLady 14-11-2011 07:36 AM

Hi JayJay, wish I could leave Ulyana out all the time but I have Grand Kids that drop by anytime. They would pester me with lots of awkward questions.... :o

PS. I love the pics of Misty...... got a few on my IPad...... excellent work JJ......


Ian 14-11-2011 01:30 PM

The best piece of recycling I've ever seen.

You should patent your design.

Everhard 14-11-2011 06:17 PM

Very well made door and frame.

My dolls just sit around the house. The last 'stranger' to see them was the television licence inspector. (Although lots of people walking past in the street see my dolls when I photograph them in the yard.) He was seriously interested in buying a big doll after that.

The AD crate is much lighter than Realdoll crates, but it is still made of wood, whereas 4woods crates are very thick triple-skin cardboard. The AD crate is the best, in my opinion.

PinkLady 14-11-2011 09:46 PM

Hi Everard
Yes, I agree, the crate she came in was exceptionally sturdy. Up on end with just one screw into the adjacent wall and it's rock solid :D.......

I used 3/4" domed nails to give the quilted effect to the inside and they went into the ply sides fine.


jayjay 14-11-2011 09:59 PM

Thanks for the info on the various crates Everhard.:)

Agree with you Ian.:)

Hi PinkLady, I saw Ulyana's pics in the doll album, I left a comment on the comments page there because she's so stunning, she's ace . :)

Thank you for your comments about Misty, I'm glad you like her.:)

I know what you mean about children dropping round, I have a nice and two nephews, and up to now I've had one very narrow escape, and I really don't want to have to explain the whys and wherefores about why I have a real size barbi doll!

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