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Jodhi 13-01-2023 12:39 PM

Introducing myself - a documentary photographer
Hi everyone,

It was kindly pointed out to me that sending private messages on this forum was not a transparent way of communicating or having my presence in this community. I am sorry for this as well as any concern or worry it may have caused.

I wanted to take the opportunity to introduce myself and answer any questions that you may have. I understand that it has not always gone well with journalists or that simply many of you may just not want to engage with me - which I completely understand and will respect.

I am currently studying with the Magnum Photography Agency in Paris. I am pursuing a long term personal project which centers around relationships with love dolls. The element which I hope to portray, and the reason for this project, is the raw and foundational human trait of needing comfort, love and companionship. I have really been amazed at the expression of this. It is a complex subject which I am dedicating a great deal of time to, in order to not present a superficial and narrow perspective.

I am doing interviews, photographing at showrooms and manufacturers. However I want to photograph at these places as little as possible, even none, as it would only show a purely sexual/inhuman perspective. My hope is to make trips to the UK as well as in France to meet with doll owners and to present more of the reality of the relationships.

If you find any value in what I am doing and want to participate please let me know. I would greatly appreciate getting to spend a bit of time with you. I can of course keep your identity anonymous, by not using your name or photographing in a way that you are unidentifiable.

Feel free to leave a comment or question - publicly or privately. Here is a link to some of my recent work:


Adam&Emma 13-01-2023 02:33 PM

Best thing you can do is buy a doll and experience living with one. Will answer a lot of questions

algaeholics 13-01-2023 02:44 PM

...and you will have access to unlimited photo opportunities!

jock001 13-01-2023 02:51 PM

Good answers. :tu

psion satori 13-01-2023 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Adam&Emma (Post 287965)
Best thing you can do is buy a doll and experience living with one. Will answer a lot of questions

...and also teach one helluva lot about fashion, posing and styling. All of which will also improve your photography.



Jodhi 13-01-2023 05:18 PM

Thanks for your replies everyone! I am sure that I could learn a lot about myself, dolls and photography getting one myself.
I understand if for many, or most, that that is sole route I should take. My hope is to capture something that is more universally human - from what I can tell people own dolls for many different reasons and their circumstances can vary hugely - but there are common elements of just what its like to go through life.
I imagine that everyone will have varying views and I will leave an open invitation to those that might want to connect with me, get to know me and share some of their world. I of course understand those who don't, because after all I'm a stranger!
I should also note that I work in documentary and distinguish this from journalism in the sense that I am not doing this for a newspaper or magazine, for a hot take or flashy headline. I am trying to do personal and in-depth work which values the world of those I engage with.

Haremlover 14-01-2023 01:59 AM

Perhaps you might start by buying Chloé's book in which she illustrates her life in the south of France.

It is in the activity of being the mind of the doll, not in observing others, that one achieves looking through the doll window and I can only reinforce the opinions of fellow members. Buy a doll and do it yourself. You'll be in the pleasant position too of the purchase being tax deductable.

Best wishes


Jodhi 14-01-2023 02:14 PM

Hey Harem,

This is a book you wrote, is that correct?
I've ordered it, hopefully it won't take too long to make it to Paris.

Can I ask how you got connected with The Doll House or Jean-Claude & Pierrot?

Thanks for the recommendation, I'll let you know when it arrives.


Originally Posted by Haremlover (Post 288017)
Perhaps you might start by buying Chloé's book in which she illustrates her life in the south of France.

It is in the activity of being the mind of the doll, not in observing others, that one achieves looking through the doll window and I can only reinforce the opinions of fellow members. Buy a doll and do it yourself. You'll be in the pleasant position too of the purchase being tax deductable.

Best wishes


shamus 14-01-2023 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Haremlover (Post 288017)
You'll be in the pleasant position too of the purchase being tax deductable.

You might want to amend your post with this Harem:

Responses are not meant as a substitute for professional advice. Answers are intended as outline only the advice of a qualified professional with access to all relevant information should be sought before acting on any response given.

Its the guy down the pub issue in that if someone in the pub gives you tax advice and you act upon that advice then you can reclaim your loss from the person who gave the advice (and the losses can be a lot more than the expenditure as HMRC really like their interesst, penalties and surcgharges).

In this instance whether a doll meets the criteria of Wholly, necessarily and exclusively is debatable. I would go with the same arguement as work suits in that even if you only wear a suit for work you could wear it for other occassions therefore you cannot claiim for your clothing. The answer with regard to dolls would also depend upon the legal form of the purchaser and the contents of their memorandum and articles.

Best approach is to never give tax advice as the UK tax system is nowhere near as simple as you may think it is with some nasty pit traps set for the unwary.

This isn't my normal disagreeeing with you. Its legitimate concern that if the poster acts upon your advice you would become liable if you do not also include a disclaimer. Feel free to lift the above statement and post it as a footer.

We'll get back to our normal level of disagreeing with each other in future posts :21:24


Tommo10 14-01-2023 04:40 PM

Hi Jodhi,

Thank you for posting directly on the site.

I hope you are getting some members contacting you privately with interest in helping your project. There are a few members here who have done similar things in the past, they might be interested this time. It just wasn't my place to mention their names when we spoke a few nights ago, it's hopefully a benefit of your thread here, at least the right members should get to see it.

Good Luck.:tu


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