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dogzilla 07-02-2017 01:28 PM

Realdoll's first Sexbot.
I thought this article said that the first bot would be ready On 15th April, but it seems to be just the ap.

Lovedoll_co_uk 09-02-2017 09:51 AM

yes, I've been watching this story with interest - I've a feeling they'll not be as advanced as we hoped but any kind of robotisation (beyond an mp3 player in the back of the head) I think is great news

there's a brief movie on their instagram page of some jittery movements but it's captivating:

Haremlover 09-02-2017 10:02 AM

Interesting news.

And WELCOME to Lovedoll UK.

Best wishes


algaeholics 09-02-2017 12:52 PM

I would be happy just to have some form of verbal interaction. Movement, for me, is not an essential element as one's imagination can be used.

Just having her say something randomly once an hour would be quite entertaining!

I hope the app they are developing could work out of the box with a non robot.

"My butt hurts sitting here."

"What time is it?"

"Pass me the newspaper."

"My finger nails need trimming".

"Does my arse look big in this?"


dogzilla 09-02-2017 09:16 PM

This is where it all begins...

Frederick 10-02-2017 08:32 AM

Next it will be "Have you done the washing up?" "Have you cleaned the car?" "Have you mowed the lawn, get off your arse you lazy bastard?!"

I think it's best when they don't learn to speak :)

algaeholics 10-02-2017 07:19 PM

A 'mute' button is not an option - it's essential. :D

Dale66 11-02-2017 08:29 PM

"I've got nothing to wear!!" :no:
I agree, a mute button would be essential. :)

Tamerick 12-02-2017 01:48 PM


Sounds pretty scary if you ask me.

I like having that mental connection with Chloe, she say's just enough to get what she wants and knows just how to say it.

That kind of interaction with a doll is something special, believe me it took a long while for me to get to grips with it.

But I think if we rush into making dolls that can think and talk for themselves, we're likely going to end up in a similar position to why we enjoy our "none talking" dolls in the first place!

I think if they could react to touch, almost mirror your touches and caresses
that would be fantastic. I'd love it if Chloe could automatically try to hold my hand if I offered it, or move in a seductive way if I stroked her.

But no, talking would not be for us I don't think. :no:

Chloe&Tam x

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