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Halloweenprops9 16-08-2022 05:50 PM

New here and looking for advice
How long does a mid quality doll last?
has anyone successfully navigated ebay to find a good doll?
Does it make sense to do a warehouse visit first? (having never actually seen one in the flesh I have little idea what to expect)

I have to say that the forums have a really nice tone to them so I am glad I found the site

algaeholics 16-08-2022 05:54 PM

Welcome Hal! 👋🏼

Bit of a subjective question as it depends what you intend to do with said doll, what material you want said doll in, and what IS a mid quality doll!

I'd advise a warehouse visit if the vendor offers it. You may well end up buying 15... :whistle:

I personally would not touch eBay for such a large value purchase. 👍🏼

Gavla82 16-08-2022 05:54 PM

Welcome aboard. :tu

1) Depends how you look after her/him. If you abuse them, not long. If you maintain them, some girls here are 10yrs +.

2) I'd personally avoid eBay for Dolls. Go to a vendor. Cloud Climax, The Doll House, Lucid Toys, etc.

3) LucidToys are the only ones (I know of) that do offer a warehouse visit.

Halloweenprops9 16-08-2022 06:11 PM

Thanks for the advice
I imagine the Neodoll range are probably mid range?
I intend to take her skydiving and bear hunting but other than that mainly a photography model (I think inspiration doesnt stick to a booking schedule)
I thought as much with ebay to be honest
Is there a routine to follow to keep her tip top (oils ect)
Thank you again you are a very friendly bunch here

Gavla82 16-08-2022 06:26 PM

Neodoll is Lucidtoys, you can find them on their own website.

With oiling it really depends on the blend of TPE. Some of the older girls needed oiling a lot more often then say that of the more modern WM girls. Powdering is only really needed when their skin feels tacky to touch.

I am not sure if they will like skydiving, as I heard, "If at first you don't succeed, sky diving isn't for you." :21

hollows+fentiman 16-08-2022 06:33 PM

I agree with the other comments!

One of the problems with mid-price dolls can be the hands and fingers! If you want to do posing photography the cheaper ones don’t often have twistable wrists. The finger wires tend to go more or less straight to the end of the arm joint. My Lucid Toys Firedoll is lovely but now has floppy hands after trying too hard to get them to pose properly!

However, the two 6YE dolls I got from them have great hands which twist at the wrists and firm fingers.

If it’s going to be your first doll though, DON’T get a heavy doll. I’d suggest no heavier than about 33kg to start with and possibly around 30kg maybe until you get used to handling them!

Cheers, Hollows.

Halloweenprops9 16-08-2022 06:35 PM

Hmm perhaps I can share a less dangerous pursuit with her? Do you know if dolls are at all partial to the gentle art of lion taming?
I am just getting the pennies sorted out for my first doll and am thinking Neo Allure, fire, or girlfriend ranges (anyone have experience of those brands?)

After Dark 16-08-2022 06:39 PM

I have two Firedolls and I love the TPE and body sculptures of both.
As above with everything and the MOST IMPORTANT thing of all, as mentioned is weight.

Halloweenprops9 16-08-2022 06:39 PM

Thank you Hollow I will look at 6ye (are they the Allure range?)

Gavla82 16-08-2022 06:40 PM

Alure = 6YE

I have their heads, but not bodies so can't comment on a full doll.

Have you any links of the girls you are looking at and we can help you with our thoughts about them. :tu

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