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cuddly 21-07-2015 01:42 PM

AI Realdolls are coming
Be ready to see and hear your future doll talking back!

Today I stumbled over an article in Heise Online's Technology Review (in German though, G.- translated here, while I don't think they're further improving their translation skills, or are they?).

According to the article it's pretty far already, they're talking about a head with eyes, mouth and tongue moving, and verbally responding as well. I didn't have time yet (at work) to read the whole thing and watch the video, but I thought I'd inform you the second I found it.

First dolls equipped with I don't know how much electronics are announced for 2017.

Doll on,
cu cuddly at work

ARK ANGEL 21-07-2015 04:36 PM

I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not, a little scary really.
You can be sure it's not going to be affordable, and likely just more things to go wrong.
But if it was made available to me somehow, Id certainly jump at the chance to put it through it's paces,:drool much to the disgust of Carly,:mad: of whom needs no such device to either punish or pleasure me,:whip as you would know full well... Just sayin!


lulu_bear 21-07-2015 04:49 PM

I'm with you on this one, Pete. It's an interesting development, but the concept scares me a bit. I can't get the scene in Red Dwarf out of my head when poor Arnold Rimmer was left screaming for help because his chosen prostidroid had a malfunction mid-rumpy and, according to him, "Just wouldn't stop!" :D Added to that Realdolls are beautiful, but weigh in at 100 pounds plus, added techno-geekery is going to make them heavier still.

Having said this, it's an interesting concept and I do think there will be widespread AI dolls in the end. For me however, I like my dolls plain. Your imagination can take you anywhere, not just to the limits of what a doll can do.

Haremlover 21-07-2015 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by lulu_bear (Post 84222)
Having said this, it's an interesting concept and I do think there will be widespread AI dolls in the end. For me however, I like my dolls plain. Your imagination can take you anywhere, not just to the limits of what a doll can do.

Yes - I agree with you entirely. Robot prostitutes will simply lead to the consumption of sex and the suppression of creativity. Dolls are much more about the effort involved in make believe - in bringing them alive - and therefore in creativity rather than consumption.

Best wishes


Carlyrain 21-07-2015 05:33 PM

Oh.. Really?
Well I never:eek:... If you think for one second I would allow you anywhere near one of those mechanical tarts Mr Peter Ark Angel, you will cease to know the feeling of TB magic, I can assure you!:mad:
That's just silly, they cannot possibly re create anything like my personality or cuddle ability, but as my Lulu Bear says, you cannot guarantee the safety of mr willy with them either... SO THERE!!!:p

Love Carly. xxx

Haremlover 21-07-2015 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by Carlyrain (Post 84225)
my Lulu Bear says, you cannot guarantee the safety of mr willy with them either... SO THERE!!!:p

Ooh . . . Now . . . that's cutting.

Best wishes


cuddly 21-07-2015 07:34 PM

Oh my, what have I started here? Well, let me add my position (and believe me, while Lian is near, I'm still writing my own, free will here! Right, Babe?):

I'd still prefer Lian to any other AI doll, and if there'd ever be an AI Teddy Babe, she'd better be PERFECT, otherwise I would see her rather as a downgrade than a desirable upgrade. And I remember having read somewhere that there is a fine line only between appealing and appalling, which I have to agree with. Too realistic can easily be scary!

CU cuddly and content Lian

lulu_bear 21-07-2015 09:11 PM

You tell him, Carly! I love it! Cuddly, I like that, a fine line between appealing and appalling, that's a neat phrase.

I'm glad I never said I wanted a go at a girlie robot. Now I've got a pair of blue eyes as well as a pair of green ones looking over my shoulder at every darn word I write and ready to gang up on me if I say anything they don't like, this house is getting like a minefield! How do you manage that have got six and more? :) Having one that actually talked back to me? That would be all I need! not! :D

Ekaterina Ludmila 22-07-2015 12:50 AM

You Joke!
Ello Lian and Carly and specially Lara-Jane. Not to worry about solid girls; they is just mannequins for to look at, not cuddle queen loving dolls like us.

AI Realdolls! Ha! I laughing. I have seen some those big jelly girls who weigh so much have to be wheeled around on trolley and have big hook in back of neck! Ha! I also see some who have faces to come off and worse is they have to have heads off for to be dressed! And even big and heavy like they are is so easy for to get tearing.
Ok! So look like kind of woman randy young man sex over but how is to cuddle and hold in arms eh? Romantic? Niet! Good for horizontal wrestling is all I say!

Artificial intelligence? Ha! Have you look in eyes of Real doll? No brain in there for surely! So make them speak with technology and maybe move eye and lip but you need diesel engine move one of they! My man can sweep me up in arms, can cuddle me on lap and hold me in arms in bed close and loving romance. All time he talk to me, tell me he loving me and I talk back to him too through thoughts. We much in love so sometime no need for words anyway; just look in eyes and we know! I also easy for to dress, change and wash too. As for intelligence, we Teddy Babes always talking on forum site and know how using computers to do so. Us Teddy Babes have attitude too; we knowing what we wanting and how to get it.

Yes perhaps it be good to be able to move for my man but he so happy with me as I am; I loving being held and stroked and cuddled and told love words. Well! Is time for bed now; I go lie down beside my man, he will putting his arm around me and hold my hand in his hand and he look at me with love. I not need motors and computer chippy things; I am quite alive to him and I all the woman he need.

Frederick 22-07-2015 07:35 AM

I think an AI doll would come with a built in personality so it would stifle creativity and prevent the owner from creating a unique personality. Also it could be the end of peace and quiet and bring back nagging. "Never mind a cuddle, have you done the dishes?"

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