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inlovewithsophie 25-06-2011 06:42 PM

another article request - with a twist
Another interview request - this time hopefully with a difference (I'm also a doll owner).

I'm a freelance writer who has written a number of articles for various fetish-style publications on a number of different types of sexual interest.

My next piece is on dollowners. I'm not focusing on any of the usual boring sensationalist nonsense that gets people like us mocked. Instead, I'm talking about sexual attraction, the quality of sex with dolls and the sexual adventures/memories we all have.

The article will be a round table chat, sharing these memories with each other. The kind of chats guys all over the world have with their mates about sexual conquests. I'm looking for people to meet with me in London, preferably all of us together either in someone's home or in a quiet beergarden, for me to record the conversation and use the transcript as my article.

I can't pay (have no expense account), but hopefully it will be fun to meet like minded guys, brag about your favourite stories and have your stories published (names will be changed if desired).

Please PM me, or leave a message on here if interested.

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