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Wulfie 02-11-2013 03:49 PM

The Tale of the Captain's Gold.

Wulfie had set the coordinates into the satnav unaware of a beady pair of eyes looking over his shoulder as he did so.

Pontyourarse, mmmmmmmmm, he's off to Wales thought the Capt., most odd. He gave the girls spending money so they'd be out of the way and then goes to Wales after saying he was going to visit Gibbmodoll, most odd indeed..........

Wulfie drove off leaving the Capt. wondering and then it dawned on the little soul where he was really going off to. Plans had to be made before the Masters return, that was for sure, heheheh.......

Late that afternoon Wulfie backed the bus up to the garage door and offloaded the 'cargo' quietly so that the neighbours wouldn't notice. But someone did notice, a small furry someone who was waiting his moment to strike.

Toooooooo easy, throw a handful of stones onto the van roof and gubbins runs off to see who it is doing so, simplez
and it worked

As quick as a flash


Wulfie 02-11-2013 03:54 PM

Wulfie 02-11-2013 04:08 PM

Wulfie enters the room - "I thought I could hear voices, what are you lot up to then??"

Wulfie - "Hmmmmmm, I thought the load seemed light, well as you two have been neglected for a while I suppose a little treat is called for "

"But not for you, you thieving little can apologise then stay up here to reflect on your bad behaviour."

Wulfie 02-11-2013 04:12 PM

As Wulfie and the girls go downstairs -

Viki 02-11-2013 07:38 PM

Great story but I have an issue, that little bear didn't invite me to the gwatkins party:mad:

Dongo 02-11-2013 10:43 PM

The little bear deserves the Cider - he did, after all, get a nasty whack! :cool:

Joe Bin 03-11-2013 05:05 AM

Bravo:b:b:b that little bear must be part Rat. Pack-rat that is!

Ursa_Major 03-11-2013 08:22 AM

Good to see the Captain got something for his efforts. :tu:b

Nyarlat 03-11-2013 12:33 PM

Sneaky sneaky. Great story there Wulfie :tu:b

Kate Kane 03-11-2013 01:25 PM

Crafty little bugger with a secret stash of Gwatkins - I'll be right over.

Great story, great pics (really nice to see Ivy and Demelza featured), not to mention top notch booze.

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