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Old 16-07-2016, 11:11 PM
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philinotstine philinotstine is offline
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Anne Summers refused me to shoot dollies in their premises before so I take every oportunity to take shots outside when they're closed.

Jess back in the dog with her prize dolly.

Jess looks well impressed with this couple who asked to have a all fairness they're a great couple.

...and she looks equally impressed with this guy who she bummed a fag from (no double innuendo homophobic lingo intended).


"Got a light mac?"

No, but I've got a dark brown overcoat....Answers on where that line is from on a postcard.

Yet another new pub on the way home . Much respect to the barmaid and regulars of the Green Rooster.

However, I got a bit too brave/stupid by trying this testosterone fuelled "Man"'s pub a few doors from the Masonic temple. Rabidly Glasgow Rangers but I knew the barman from years ago so rolled the dice....

Most of the clientelle were sound but offcourse there's always one. A young mother asked if her little lad (about 6) could have his photo taken with Jess but her Cro-magnon faccist dickhead husband whispered summat to her and she looked all sheepishly apologetic to me bless her. No problem. A
nyroad up the steps out are a bugger in a wheelchair especially when you're pissed so the faint-hearted shouldn't look at the last picture of poor Jess.....

Rest assured she's ok no thanks to this knobhead who grabbed her ankles despite my protests and almost scraped her face off the pavement!
I'm no hero or fighter but when a loved one is in peril I tend to lose it and screamed at him that he may not see her as a person but at least realise she's someone else's expensive property and the fucking thug still wanted to batter me 'till his mates stopped him.

Don't think I'll be pushing the envelope quite that far in future..
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