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Old 12-07-2017, 04:14 PM
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Samurai Samurai is offline
Lurking In The Shadows Of Time...
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Well first of all Thank you Harem and everyone else above, but as you so rightly said there is no award for , well basicly posting photos, sure its a bit extra work as you well know, doing outdoor photoshoots and its not that cheap either but its what i do, i don't smoke, i don't drink, i don't like football infact i have no other interests other than taking photos of my dolls.

Posting them here and TDF is a bonus as its a place to post the photos we take for others to view and hopfully enjoy.

When i look at other peoples photos it brings a smile and sometime's a laugh as they can be funny, Thats a smile and a laugh i would not have if people did not post, so this is one of the reasons i post and hope others will gat the same enjoyment i do.

The point is, and as much as i appreciate the nomination i don't think an award for doing what i do is realy needed.

I allready have "awards" here but i deleted them from my sig as to be honest i don't like badge wearing. I was a Legendary member before i was coerced back onto the staff team and I would have prefered "Retired"

Awards are great for people that want them, but its just not me.

Example : Andy Murry gets a knighthood for hitting a ball over a net,Sean Connery get one for pretending he is someone he is not, i think they call it acting, If i were one of these 2 people i would have told them to stuff there knighthood as there are more deserving people out there, Surgons, doctors nurses carers, people who make a difference in other people's lives in a daily basis,and what do they get, most get a shitty pay packet at the end of the week.
I my eyes these are the real people who deserve recognition .

So an award for posting some photos and doing what i enjoy, pftt thanks but no thanks, but again i do appriciate the sentiment honestly i do.

Thank you

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