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Old 14-02-2018, 11:02 PM
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Nova-1 Nova-1 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 248

DAY 185... Valentine's Day!!

Hey everyone!

Happy Valentine's Day!!! As you all can imagine today is quite a special day in the Nova house. As it is one of those days in which I get spoiling my ladies with romantic gifts.. And many of you are probably wondering how I service such a large harem on such a day like this.. Well, it's actually quite simple.. Drugs!!! lots of stamina increasing drugs!!! LOL! Just kidding.. :laugh: Well, in all honesty not all of my ladies get to have erotic love on valentines days.. In fact usually only one lucky lady will be brought to bed this special night.. While the other ladies end up settling for a hug, a kiss, a little tickling. And whispered sweet nothings in each of their ears.. I also usually shower each of them with a Valentine's outfit, some jewelry, a rose. And a cute little Valentines stuffed animal... Oh and I almost forgot.. The ladies in which I do have sex with frequently also receive a bottle of their favorite flavored water based lube.. The edible kind... (They just love it when it's licked off of them)...

Now you might be wondering who is this special lady.. Who's going to share my bed this Valentines evening.. Well tonight that special lady will be Caroline.. This decision was not made based on favorites. Or wither or not the Nova Lady gives excellent sex. Caroline does by the way... The choice was made based on a game of chance.. Where each of the Nova Girls has the same odds.. 16 pieces of paper were folded up and placed into a hand of each Nova Girl. But only one had a star drawn on it.. And this year Caroline drew the star..

So last night Caroline and I decided to kick out the first part of her super sexy Valentines Day photo shoot.. Where she gets to showcase all of the Valentines presents she received.. And guys I have no idea what it is about roses that turns Caroline on.. But she does some pretty kinky stuff with them.. Any how lets show some pictures.. Here is part one..

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