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Old 26-03-2018, 11:00 PM
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Nova-1 Nova-1 is offline
Bronze Member
Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 248

So after installing the new hoist system over the bed this past weekend.. Danica and I decided to do a photo shoot to test it out as it was intended. And normally my ladies start out a shoot in sexy lingerie or bikini. In which they usually strip off about have way through.. But this time Danica decided to start and finish completely naked.. Now this new hoist system has just been phenomenal.. I've been able to put Danica into poses that are not safely achievable without it.. And some of the views she gives are absolutely wonderful.. Here is a bit of a warning.. There are some pics in this sett that are steaming hot.. So hot it will make you want to prematurely explode!! I know I did!!! LOL!!

Anyways here is Danica as she requested to be.. COMPLETELY NAKED!!!

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