Make a latex miniskirt for £1.28


Bronze Member
Latex miniskirts are quite expensive.
Here’s how you can make a cheap one for just £1.28

It’s very simple.

1. Buy a large latex balloon from eBay ( measure your dolls waist size to buy the right size ballon. The balloons and quite stretchy, but if you stretch too much it will rip )

2. Cut off the top and bottom of the balloon

3. Done. Easy.

(Pictures to follow)
Latex miniskirt pictures



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Latex miniskirt on the doll



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The oils in TPE will attack the latex and weaken it, but the latex wont harm the TPE.

Test with Baby oil and Vaseline. IIRC Baby oil degrades it, but Vaseline destroys latex pretty fast.

Source : I've used latex gloves as inserts on TPE dolls.

Brilliant idea. I've got a mannequin or two that this would be ideal for. See if I can get a couple of black balloons if possible. Looked on ebay and they do have them. Yippee!
Brilliant idea. I've got a mannequin or two that this would be ideal for. See if I can get a couple of black balloons if possible. Looked on ebay and they do have them. Yippee!

Yeah, they come in all colours and many different designs
Brilliant idea...I will try this !!!



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Is there no end to your inventiveness? :D

Seriously though, I have ordered a black one off ebay to give it a try.
If it’s too tight to fit your doll, inflate it and leave it inflated for a few hours. It will stretch the latex and make is looser.

Is there no end to your inventiveness? :D

Seriously though, I have ordered a black one off ebay to give it a try.