
Hi North, if your girl is a Deluxe I would suggest the £28 holdall, don't know if you would have to bend her legs.
My girl is a classic or standard, not a Deluxe. I even think revol made his own bags in the end.

Sorry, there are no pictures in this thread, well none that I could see.

Lets see the lil bastards break in to this

and if they ask whats in it, tell them its the decaying corpses of the last 3 people who asked that question :D


:24 ha!

That would be amazing to have, would be slightly out of place in my room but very awesome.

Hi North, if your girl is a Deluxe I would suggest the £28 holdall, don't know if you would have to bend her legs.
My girl is a classic or standard, not a Deluxe. I even think revol made his own bags in the end.

Hmmm Cuddly has suggest a bag which I've ended up ordering, the big ass holdalls are very well designed, but maybe were a little too big for me to put under my bed. Thanks Loverboy for all your help though, really appreciate it.

This is what I'd suggest. I have a pretty similar (older) version for Lian, does an excellent job. Check it out!

CU cuddly and Lian

I've ordered this one! I'll have to hide the bright red a little bit. Thanks cuddly.
Rather than start a new thread on storage, thought i would post another option on the end of this one, been looking for a possible travelling bag, and came across xmas tree bags, various lengths and sizes, lightweight and very cheap, and perfect for Teddy's in my view, anyway hers's an ebay search link with a selection,

Ah ok so I too looked at these big bags, now from what I can tell some of them length wise is great, width wise, not so great, I found it difficult to get a good length vs height.

Measurement are the key here, so height wise you're looking at 165cm or 64 inches, if you can find one with the type of length and a good height (measure the breasts), I can't see one of these xmas tree bags being a problem, apart from the classic bag smell and you might get some looks as it doesn't look like a tradition holdall bag.

For Deluxe Teddy Babes it's very difficult to find a bag that they can fit into nicely without bending there legs or neck. You really don't want to bend their legs as they push out against their heads / necks.

I actually don't recommend this one
which I think was mentioned in this post. I have yet to find a bag that a deluxe can go into.

I've ended up moding the bag I linked for my Lisa, but it wasn't easy.

Keep us posted on what you get, because I too would like to get another bag, preferable with two zips so I can attach a lock.
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I'm actually struggling to find any Xmas bags long enough for a Teddy Babe Deluxe to stand up in. :(
Initially i was wanting a canvas holdall that would take a plywood bottom and sides that i could pad out with foam, during my search i found a few bespoke makers, but prices would be high for what i want,
I'm afraid from the research I've done, there isn't a holdall big enough that can hold a Deluxe up right without bending the legs and neck.

The only way I got around it was customising the one I had, I cut off the end of the bag and extended it. It's terrible, but works.... it's clear to anyone that i've got something slightly dodgy in my bag.

Holdall bags are annoying as its more about quantity than length, height wise they're great, length wise, terrible.

Snowboarding bags were the only one that kinda came close to what I wanted, but the price was just silly for one.

Sport bags and camping gear might be your best shot for bags.
Ah this looks like a good one, If not this then something very similar. Good find![/QUOTE]

I don't think it looks the best but, no one will expect anything, a nice plush throw on the inside might also help.
If you can use a sewing machine or know someone who can, then I would get two of the Xmas tree bags and splice them together. It could be a fiddly job but I believe it could be done.

As I only take my girls in the car I have made simple draw-string bags from an old tent which fits them perfectly, not entirely discreet as you have to be careful that the legs are together so don't show any human-shaped definition but it's only from the front door to the car parked at the back.

As for storage, I didn't comment because I don't hide them, I live alone with few visitors, most of which know of my girls anyway so they live in the bedroom, usually keeping the bed warm and cosy for me:D