Picture question


Golden Diamond Member
Do you think its ok to post old pictures of a doll you have sold on when the new owner never posts pictures of her?
I certainly do as it keeps her "alive" on the forum.
Got no problem with that personally.
I guess it's all in the reason and context, surely stories would be appropriate at least.

Hi Phil,
I don't see any problem with it at all.

But I wouldn't have a problem with someone posting photos they had taken when they owned the doll and I now owned the doll and was posting photos also.

Thanks Phil, you have sent my mind in overdrive.

I don't think you should make a thread dedicated to the dolls you once own, that may be a bit much:24

But I don't see any problem with someone posting a old photo in a new thread. e.g I started the Pretty in pink thread the other day and I don't think anyone should have a problem with people posting photos of dolls that are fitting in with that post whether you own them still or not.

Tommo :tu
Might be worth asking Sam what he thinks on the subject :21:21
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No problem at all, as long as the doll in question has signed a waiver stating that her image is not subject to copyright and agreeing that her privacy is not at risk.

Like that's gonna happen...

Relax sir.
Likewise, I see no problem in posting pictures that anyone took when the doll belonged to them. :tu

I guess the only exception would be if the new owner specifically didn't want that to happen.

And as long as its clear the doll is no longer yours :)

I've posted many photos of other members dolls taken at Meets. As on as the facts are there, i see no issue..

What I meant specifically is if the new owner was posting pics of the doll offcourse I would have the courtesy to ask if they minded me posting old pics but if the new owner posted no pictures of her whatsoever I see it as fair game.
What I meant specifically is if the new owner was posting pics of the doll offcourse I would have the courtesy to ask if they minded me posting old pics but if the new owner posted no pictures of her whatsoever I see it as fair game.

Hi Phil,

Although I posted earlier how I feel about it, sensibly you are better splitting it into 3 questions or stages.
1. If the person who now owns the doll is posting pictures - ask them if is ok or not (like you said above)
2. If the person who now owns the doll doesn't post pictures but is regularly on the forum - then as above, ask them if it is okay.
3. If the person who now owns the doll doesn't post pics and doesn't really use the forum much or at all since the purchasing the doll, then they were most probably only here to get the doll in the first place and if you ask you won't get a reply - so therefore fair game.

Best Regards
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Ethically speaking, you should perhaps contact the new owner.

Legally speaking, as you pressed the shutter, you are the Copyright owner.
It's a tough one, but there is also a good chance that the same head/ face has been used many times by different people, take the Kayla head for example, the same face is used on both the silicone and ex-lite versions of the doll, and i would expect that the ex-lite version to be popular, i'm also thinking about getting one myself for on location shoots, as the weight and construction of it make it ideal to move about, so unless the new owner has specifically said no to the seller, then i would just do it anyway, especially if you have a library of unpublished photos :tu
If the new owner isn't an active member, just joined to buy a doll, or doesn't post pictures and you aren't trying to convince people she is still your doll then I don't see any ethical dilemma at all.

There certainly is no legal issue either, as already said, the photographer retains all copyright of his/her photography with the exception that the subject have a copyright on their image (Personality rights), but even this is a commercial copyright so unless you wanted to sell the photos and the doll in question had retained Personality rights (not the doll's owner), you have no problem.

Agreed, if the new owner was posting photos of her on the forum then requesting permission would be the decent thing to do, unless you know them personally and know they won't mind.
I would like to ask him, if you can catch him...

Is he here in the Forum you can ask...is he not...Hmmmm make it !!!
Legal issues aside as thats already been covered (and there aren't any) the issues here to me seem to be ethical one's.
I personally woud use the photo's on the grounds that when our girls join us they take on a whole new persona.
I look at pics of Kate when she was Snaggles Audrey and she is not now the same girl.
Same with Tiffany when she was another members Abbie (actually, the difference in appearance there is quite dramatic despite her hair being the only physical change).
They are not the same girls and that goes both ways from both the seller and buyers perspective.
The questions to ask yourself are:

1) Does her new boyfreind still refer to her by her old name... No? different girl. Use the photo's.
2) Does her new boyfreind treat her as his girlfriend or a sex doll... If a Sex doll, then treat it that she's ceased to exist as her old self and use the photo's (and we'll all arrange a rescue operation for her!).

As a caveat though, even if the buyer does not respond it would be a polite gesture to tell them that you are going to be posting some old pics, that are tasteful images, under her old name, with no reference to her new persona. A response however is not required as you have informed them of what you are going to do and the message was simply a courtesy to a fellow site member.

I think that Tommo's excellent three rules like Asimovs rules of robotics are a sound ethical basis to work to.

And on final override, As Flash so excellently put it (paraphrased). Your pictures, the images of who she was, keep her alive. (profound Flash :tu)
There are dolls that simply disappear from view after one sells them.

As works of art, rather a shame.

Best wishes

Gonna weigh in here again.
I say just post them and if you get any feedback, then deal with it, it's not likely to cause anyone serious distress really, but by the same token if they are around a quick note to them asking is simple enough.
I don't have problems seeing Caroline (Tilly) in pics, I actually find it rather nice to see that she was loved enough to be photographed and now still remembered fondly, to me that is part of what makes her special, but that's just me.
Fair game for non active dolls or members? I say yes.

Thank you everyone for the feedback.Ark I just knew that would be your attitude about Tills. By the same token love her, miss her but delighted to see she is so well loved and cherished.

Down to specifics.... Sold Jess as part of a deal. Got asked to decrease the price. Agreed. Got asked to include a particular wig she wore for no extra charge. Agreed but asked the buyer to do a combined leaving/arrival picture story after which she could change her persona and do whatever as a new character. Agreed by buyer.
No pictures of Jess by buyer EVER Checked and no pictures of other dolls by same buyer on this forum.
Only time I see said buyer on here is when another doll is for sale and they attempt to reduce the price.

Enough said.

My Jess will live on in old photos!
It was your doll but it is still your pictures, you can use them... Of course, you can add the displayed lady is not with you anymore.

I d add when a doll is sold, taken pictures are not erased and still online. The new owner d be not a trouble...

Tilly is a good exemple... 3 owners but every owner can use his own pictures.
Thank you everyone for the feedback.Ark I just knew that would be your attitude about Tills. By the same token love her, miss her but delighted to see she is so well loved and cherished.

Down to specifics.... Sold Jess as part of a deal. Got asked to decrease the price. Agreed. Got asked to include a particular wig she wore for no extra charge. Agreed but asked the buyer to do a combined leaving/arrival picture story after which she could change her persona and do whatever as a new character. Agreed by buyer.
No pictures of Jess by buyer EVER Checked and no pictures of other dolls by same buyer on this forum.
Only time I see said buyer on here is when another doll is for sale and they attempt to reduce the price.

Enough said.

My Jess will live on in old photos!

I d say we lost a lot of dolls... :mad:

Naga knows i was tempted by a vampire called Pagan Moon long time ago. But she was sold and we are still waiting for pictures, they are... waporware. :mad: