Lynne's Doll Meet Photo Diary


Silver Member
Here's a photo diary of Lynne at the 2018 Doll Meet. I wanted to post them a couple of days ago, but have been working out how best to attach/link photos on here. I've managed to condense several hundred photos down to the best ones. Even so, I struggled to get it down to about 30 images! Thank you to all of you there who made it such a lovely weekend, and thank you for all the tips - my photography has certainly improved, though I've worked out a few areas that I want to improve on. Anyway, enjoy the thread!

(Full size images can be viewed by clicking on the images, I think).


After a three hour journey, we arrived on the Friday evening. Although we weren't the last to arrive, most people we already there and settling in. We were immediately made to feel most welcome, though I think Lynne was a little nervous. While I sorted out putting all the gear into the room, she decided to make use of my open bar tab - and ordered a drink!

After dinner, we settled down and chatted with everyone. We were quite tired from our travels, and so decided to leave any serious photography until the next day. Following some liquid refreshment, we retired to a very comfy bed. We were going to do some photos in the fantastic bathroom, but we were both shattered and fell asleep almost as soon as our heads hit the pillows.

Saturday morning came, and after a decent sleep, we were eager to get started. However, the weather wasn't cooperating with us...

Lynne was a little disappointed, however a hearty breakfast and coffee perked us up. While I was working out what to do first, Lynne settled down with the other dolls and waited.

"Ashaki, is it a bad thing that I'm on my third cup of coffee already this morning?"

"Let's see if the weather forecast looks better for the afternoon... oh, more rain!"

"I had better choose what we are eating for dinner tonight"

We had a relaxing morning and early afternoon taking photos in various parts of the hotel. Everywhere was very picturesque and very comfy.

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After a while, we got a call from the bar that the group photo was being organised, so we made our way downstairs.

"What do you reckon, M? I want to look my best for the group photo!"

And here's the group from where I could stand. There wasn't much space left for humans by the time the dolls were all in! There's better versions of the group shot elsewhere to be honest.

Saturday actually turned out really well. Everyone managed to do some photography and not get in anyone's way too much. Plenty of chatting in the bar, accompanied by good local beer and Penderyn whisky, we went up to bed happy :) (Apologies to Wolfie for the following image, as while trying to get this image at silly o'clock we woke up your dogs!)

Sunday arrived - and the sun was smiling upon us all! Lynne was a lot happier, and decided her red summer dress would be perfect. (Don't worry, I didn't make her sleep on the windowsill all night)

Annoyingly, within 5 minutes of us being outside, the heavens started to open. Mercifully, Lynne was passed an umbrella to hide underneath - can't remember whose it was, but you saved a damsel in distress!

"If you're heading in to keep the camera dry, grab us a coffee while you're there!"

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Of course, I went inside and made a coffee. I had only been inside a couple of minutes, and found that the rain had stopped. However, when I passed Lynne her coffee, I noticed something was different...

I could understand that she might be a little cold in her dress, but I was more confused as to how she got my long velvet coat from the boot of my car - I had the keys in my pocket! Lynne wasn't going to give the game away either!

I turned away for just one moment to adjust my tripod, and when I looked back, a broomstick had appeared! I get the feeling that she wanted some transport - just behind me was a photoshoot involving two dolls in a BMW convertible :D

"By the way, have you met my friend Yorick?"

Mercifully, before things got any weirder, we were called in for lunch. I don't think that'll be the last we will see of Lynne the Witch...

(I'm not sure why the previous four photos came out sub-par - Lynne's face and hair came out overexposed and couldn't quite bodge stuff with the post-processing... )

The afternoon brightened up some more, and before we headed outside for more photos, Lynne and Kayla had a good heart to heart chat. I didn't intrude...

The garden had plenty of places where we could shoot good photos...

... although everyone was taking advantage of the autumnal sun, so it was fun making sure we all had enough space to do our thing!

Then it rained again! :D
"Oi! Never mind keeping the camera dry, what about me!"

We did manage a couple more photos before my camera batteries decided they had had enough... I got brave and lifted Lynne up onto the big treestump!

That was the end of our photography. Sunday evening was spent with the gang chilling out.

Monday morning was time for us all to say farewell and go our separate ways. Frustratingly, the weather was warm, clear and sunny! We weren't in any rush to get back home, and so decided to have a pleasant drive home via some scenic spots (spoiled for choice around there to be honest!). We randomly ended up taking a look around Rhayader and the Elan Valley. There's a string of old Victorian dams and lakes built to supply Birmingham with drinking water. One of the dams was in full overflow because of the rain. On checking my camera, the battery had recovered enough for just a couple more shots. Here's one of them!

Brilliant review of your 1st doll meet participation!!!
Great pics showing Lynne on so beautiful views of a camera!!
Hope to meet you again next year.

Best wishes,

- SF -
nice pics lynne but you need to talk your guy into buying you some shoes before the next meet i have a pair of boots and two pair of sneakers.

carly snugglemore
Thank you all :)

Carly - Actually hoping to get her a smart pair of boots or something for being outside in the colder weather. She does prefer barefooting, but I don't want her to catch a chill!
Great set of photos Muninn. I love your use of the circular window, and well done on the tree stump photos, that is a challenge that I didn't want to even attempt.
I hope to see you and Lynne again at next year's event.
Thoroughly enjoyed reading that and seeing all your great pics together Muninn. Brought back a lot of great memories :tu

Difficult to choose a favourite as they all tell a story, but you nailed it with these ones:

Keep up the good work. Lynne's lovely!

Thanks for the good comments, it means a lot, and has spurred me on to do more.

Actually, a good reminder that Siliconefun sent me this image to process (thank you!), only just got around to dealing with it. Love the way she's looking just over the sunglasses.

(Click for full size)
