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Old 24-09-2019, 12:26 PM
shamus shamus is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Castle Anthrax, The Shire
Posts: 9,060

Sorry no... And I'm someone else who only ever uses firefox.

Never had issue with posting images.

Then again, don't see how posting issues can be your browser. Would that not only be viewing the images?

Don't know how you've been attempting to upload. I use two mehtods, either load into my albums on here (very slow. Can only do it one image at a time into the batch and then load them which sometimes doesn't work) or use IMGBB (very fast but then we have the issue that if anything happens to IMGBB its beyond the control of the site. As such for single images I try to stick with albums).

Once loaded into the album its just a matter of clicking the image, grabbing the whole second line with IMG /IMG on either side of it (including those tags) and pasting it into the post.

When pulling in from IMGbb its go through the images, click the embed codes button on the image then I use BBCode Medium Linked. Copy the link and paste it the same as I would from the albums.

In both cases generally I find it best to have a second tab open on a seperate screen to grab the pics.

Hope that something in that identifies something that you may have missed.

Kindest regards,

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