Thread: Reporting posts
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Old 01-03-2020, 03:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Samurai View Post
In short not realy, if a post is reported it will get dealt with by one of the staff and in most cases the person who reported the post will not be notified that it has been dealt with,also the person who made the post will not be notfied that there post has been removed, It probably should be but it takes time and then an explaination may be required and i will be honest i just can't be arsed with all the palava so the post gets removed and thats the end if it realy.

If common sense prevails then the person who made the post that got deleted will hopfully not make another post that will just get deleted also if reported.

Edit.. & Sigh !

This little forum is small in the grand scale of things and we have members from all over the planet, We all try to get along with each other even if we don't agree on a lot of things and there are some amongst us that, ok i will be polite and say, like to bend the rules a little, where what i realy what to say is Some think the rules don't apply to them or they are justified in breaking the rules for the benift of the forum, which is ofcouse bullshit.

The rules are for everyone and even i am not above them and i have had my arse kicked on more then one occassion in the past

Ok so sometime's we don't enforce the rules and let things slide, which ofcourse we should not but it happens and i guess some people take advantage of that, but i personaly like to try and keep this place as freindly as i possiably can and that might mean that on occasion i have to say to someone who i call a freind to back off and that they were in the wrong to make a post that i had to deal with, and then this friend takes the hump and storms off and sulks for a few weeks and then there is an atmosphere between us which is not good,

So i am guilty of this, Ie doing nothing when i should have done something just to keep the peace.

As algaeholics said we are all volunteers and don't what to see anybody unhappy or frustated, but at times tring to keep everybody happy is an impossible task.

Rant over

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