Keeping For Sale items current


Active Member
I have a Sinthetics order For Sale. This is 'low interest' because few people want a Sinthetics doll. But (I'll assert) very valuable, basically a 'no brainer' for someone who WANTS a Sinthetics doll.

Because of the low interest, my For Sale post has been there for 'a long time' and is likely to stay there. At one point my thread was moved to Sold Items because I hadn't touched it for months. I understand the 'rule' is that a For Sale Item should be touched every 28 days to avoid being moved to Sold Items. I observe today that there are 15 threads in For Sale that have been touched within 28 days and 26 threads that are, shall we say, 'considerably older', yet have not been moved to Sold Items.

Since the instance where my thread was moved to Sold Items, I have been a 'good boy' and touched my thread on the first of the month. This is tedious. I'm still here, my items is still For Sale.

Given that most of the For Sale threads are 'technically' in violation of the rule but have not been moved to Sold Items, I'd like to save some bother and only touch my thread every other month.

I'd appreciate if a mod would respond to this post and advise if a touch every other month or even once a calendar quarter would be sufficient to keep my thread from being moved to Sold Items.
With the time you have spent writing that, you could have kept that sale thread alive for years...

Just poke a message at it once a month, as you have done. It's not difficult...
I guess it would be reasonable for him to ask why his thread is singled out when so many others are stale. The rule should either be applied or not applied.
As required by the rules, keep the sales thread current or it will be moved or deleted, it's a simple as that. Once a month at the very least.

We have introduced these sales rules for good reason, yes there are sales threads that don't comply and they will soon be dealt with, some will be moved, some may be deleted altogether.

No-one is being singled out, that thread was picked up the last time the sales forum was trimmed.

Just had a small reshuffle in there moving threads from either last year or more than 3 months old with no recent news to sold forum adding either sold or presumed sold.