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Old 27-05-2012, 03:00 PM
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alanberkos alanberkos is offline
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Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 39
Default A New Love is born

Back in 2002 (If i remeber correctly) I found on internet the ReaDoll. I was really interested, as much as to create a Greek (originating from Greece) site to make people know about them.

Time passed and now older and more mature a doll would fit my life better than a real woman on more than few levels (the rest can be done on a pub without worrying getting laid) I decided to initiate a funding plan to get a doll.

Initialy i found few scam sites, thanks for people of this forum I was cut off thinking risking to get some bargain doll.

So while I was thiking being around £2000, I paused and look better around. Few people have stories about how they got cheaper and finaly spend more than they would getting an expensive model initialy.

Now, the way i see it, a love doll is something you stick together. If i live my daughter out of this I am gonna say, I care for things more than for people and thats where a doll comes in.

I do speak to my self a lot, not prood saying that, but this should not make prood people around me also if I am 39 and so far no dick head ever listend or understood.

Sticking to the subject, sticking with the doll. Its not like you buy something off a store to pump it up. The dool is to stay with you all day, fucking or not. So way i see it, she has to be the one.

Went all over the sites this forum has registered. And among thousands of clicks, there she was. The moment i saw this face i was so in love that she didnt matter what body she had she was for my. Luckily I can select the body and few other things.

It's Celeste from Sinthetics.

Watching on the web site the photos of existing models I went crazy. She is like the girl that if was working on my office I would get fired harrasing her in a million ways. I would have sent roses, emails, try follow her on lunch to get a chat, google her facebook account, or anything to know and approach her.

I made a decision today, it will take more time to get her, but I really hope by end of year (or ealrier) to have her in my arms.

Her name will be Iphigenia. My name is Achilles. There is a Greek Mythologie backround on that, but this was the name I wanted my doll to have sicne the first time I found out that companion and pleasure is not depended only on people.

More to come and glad I found this forum.
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