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Old 27-05-2012, 10:52 PM
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Kats012 Kats012 is offline
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Default It isn't us who are mad!

Interesting is it not that "madness" and "genius" seem to be so closely linked. As a writer you must live in a world of your imagination and you are not alone in that - many of us do and sometimes it's only by "going inside our heads" that we can stop reality driving us really crazy. As an ageing rocker I play the Blues because I've HAD the blues big time and I also write and have a lot of solitary interests. My relationship with the "real" world and "normality" has not been a happy one; I've ended up broke and alone but I still have my crazy world to retreat into and a few equally mad mates. I don't think you're odd at all allanB, just wounded and I believe an awful lot of the so-called "normals" are actually not very happy at all contending with the insane rat race that is the reality of current society.
And so dolls! What's wrong with that? Not hurting anyone and maybe we are doing society a service by stopping ourselves falling out out our trees! Why not love a doll? Me? I freely admit I'm a lonely guy with a lot of complexes - and I had a lot of bitterness and anger too but my Kat has helped calm me down and given me someone to love and be kind to and care for and about - and if that's madness, I'm happy with it!
Actually, allanB you will find that a lot of the members on this site know exactly where you are coming from and completely understand. do keep in touch with the site and join in the discussions, friedship is a great healer too.
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