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Old 10-11-2020, 08:48 AM
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Cabbage Cabbage is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2020
Posts: 320

Good morning all! I think at least a couple of you are oozing to know how my night went and a couple of other things too.

Well first off, the night was... so so. Lately i've not been sleeping very well and last night wasn't much different. However, having someone to snuggle with was a big pro especially in the morning. Getting into bed, and the morning is the best time for cuddles in my opinion. Feeling her bum in my groin, her back on my chest and as strange as it may sound, her feet on my legs just feels so good. It's hard to put into words but i expect you all know what i mean.

Overall, if i had to say whether i'm happy with the situation or not then yes of course i'm happy! She feels amazing in my arms, spooning her feels so comforting and cosy!

When it comes to hiding her away and such... i can understand that point completely. It makes perfect sense to me. I'm just not ready. I did tell a friend of mine who lives in another country about her and he said there's a big part of him that's jealous! Regardless though, i'm still going to need a place to 'put her'. For me, she's someone to cuddle up to at night but i still need to be able to do things like changing the bed clothes. Then there are the things we ALL use our beds for that isn't sex or rest. Imagine having to prepare a suitcase for a trip. Personally i chuck everything on the bed in a big pile and pack from there. Also, being a musician i sometimes use my bed as a platform (like a big table) for when i'm working on instruments because it's nice and soft so they can't get damaged. I'm still going to go ahead with the box under the bed thing because for me at least, it's just more practical.

Also, there's her name. Roxy.
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