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Old 14-11-2020, 11:27 PM
shamus shamus is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Castle Anthrax, The Shire
Posts: 9,060

Spot on that Cyan

Dolls Forever, Piper and Dollhouse 168 are all made from the same TPE. a key variance between them is that some DH168's have non M16 head connectors, and Pipers have fixed heads.

This make in all three brands is great but I will say that they have a high oil content and for the first year they will leave marks on bedding, furniture, and walls so you need to protect against that.

Personally I wouldn't do whtat you intend to with / to one of my girls but if you are going to do it then the head you want is WM #130 which I believe is commonly a second head choice (sorry, I'm already changing manufacturers here). If you pick a girl with a closed or only narrowly open mouth there is a strong likelihood that you could damage her face if you do to her what you intend to.

A WM head that you may be interested in if you are attracted to akira is WM #153 which has a similar sweetness to Akira. Maybe go for a 148 body. Maybe also check out heads #36 and #31.

Of course, those are WM's, not D4E group girls so are very diffferent in feel and scent.

All of these girls are works of art and the intent thatyou have now may, I hope for her sake, disappear when you actually see one close up.

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