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Old 31-05-2021, 10:13 AM
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shamus shamus is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Castle Anthrax, The Shire
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Ok, we've been through the basics so up a gear.

Consider what is happening. The images from a single site are not showing on your computer no matter which browser you use. Therefore logically it is either as you say your computer or your ISP that is preventing the images from showing.

I'm assuming here that your anti virus is on your machine rather than existing before your machine with your ISP.

If you have (say) Norton installed then there will be a log of things that it has prevented happening. Such as displaying images from a certain site. If you find that to be the casee then create an exeption instance for IMGbb and then going forwards it will not block IMGbb images.

To do anything like that just Google search based on your anti virus software and it will give you full intructions.

As a matter of interest, do you have an IMGbb account? If you did that in itself could create an exception with your anti virus software.

Its free, easy and very intuitive and it wouldn't even matter if you used it much so long as your machine / anti virus software recognises it as safe.


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