Belatedly joining the UK Forum


Silver Member
Hi guys, I know a few of you from over in that other place and from a couple of the zoom meets you kindly let me join but for some reason it's taken me a while to join the gang here. Well thanks for having me and my gals over, I guess I shall have to introduce all of them at some point although it will take a while.
Morning Arthur,

:welcome to the UK Love Doll Forum.

Great to see you here, about time too.:D

Even if it's just to pop in and say Hello now and again.

Right toast and work... Happy Friday. ;)

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Hi Arthur :tu,

big welcome from another of the iDome drunkards :welcome

great to have you on board matey,

All the best,


p.s. you will remember me as the incredibly handsome one from the Zoom meet.... Whats that Holly... Yes I am... Pfft, looks good when even TPE girls laugh at me when I say that!
:welcome Arthur! I have only been here a couple of months, and I seem to be the only one with a male doll (who loves all the attention he's getting from the girls :24 )
Thanks for the warm welcome guys! I gather there's a 250kb limit for uploading pics, unless I've read that wrong, in which case I can either use a pic hosting site like Flickr and post the link or just resize the pic with an app, will have a fiddle and see what works! Oh and truth be told I've joined the forum to make sure I never miss any pics of Karrot's lovely Maddie!
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Ok, let's see if this works, pic of Mia from a couple of days ago.....

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I generally process out to 1200x1800 at a file size of 1.x meg. I then simply throw them at the forum uploader and it handles 99% of them and resizes accordingly.

Or you can use IMGBB as many of us do and paste the thumbnail/Medium links in:



(its a good job she's pretty........

Thanks for the warm welcome guys! I gather there's a 250kb limit for uploading pics, unless I've read that wrong, in which case I can either use a pic hosting site like Flickr and post the link or just resize the pic with an app, will have a fiddle and see what works! Oh and truth be told I've joined the forum to make sure I never miss any pics of Karrot's lovely Maddie!

Just upload to imgBB and post the link from there. Really easy to use and post links to here. That’s what I do.
Welcome over here, Arthur! Lynne says hello... I really should get her out of bed, she's having a lazy Friday!
I generally process out to 1200x1800 at a file size of 1.x meg. I then simply throw them at the forum uploader and it handles 99% of them and resizes accordingly.

Or you can use IMGBB as many of us do and paste the thumbnail/Medium links in:



(its a good job she's pretty........


Lord, Maddie alone is worth the price of admission! I know I'm beginning to sound like a stuck record but her 233 head just looks soooo good on the WM158G bod! It's just dawned on me that I could have a word with new gal Dora to see if she would like to switch bods with Sherrilyn, it's a thought! Ok thanks for the tip re adding pics. I did resize a pic to 1200 x 1800 and the uploader accepted it even though it was 1.5mb but it shrunk it down to a mere 69kb and appears as a thumbnail so I'm missing a trick here as at present I can't quite see how you imbedded that lovely pic of Maddie in your post. I'm sure I will suss it out eventually!
Welcome Arthur to the correct forum...I too made the mistake of going overseas first.

It's a bit more personable over here I've noticed, you'll reach your peak when Shamus starts cracking jokes or educating with fact based realities in your threads. Sounds about right?