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Old 30-08-2021, 12:27 PM
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Originally Posted by ecobod View Post

See that white on the dress? yeah, that left purple and violet stains on her tanned skin. Not even all white things are safe and a lot of it will come down to material.
I've found this really is a matter of trial, error and chance.
If you want her to to able to wear anything she want's then body stockings will be needed, as others have said.
You may need to pay attention to your own clothing, too. It is possible to cause stains from sitting together on the sofa. Those new indigo jeans you may be wearing can transfer colour onto her bare legs/arms/hands and so on.

Hiya eco,

got the same issue with Charlottes head at the moment.

She sleeps on white sheets, under a white duvet with white pillow cases, and I sleep in nothing so its not off me. So WTF!

I have been pondering how she got a stain and my only conclusion is that she used to have a black wig which left a stain. Cleared it up but thinks, do we really clear all of it up? How deep does the stain remover go and how much have they drunk in? Short of taking the head skin off and turning it inside out (not ever going to happen) you would just never know.

Got some more stain remover on order to pull this out thats found its way back to the surface again... That has to be the explanation as I just cannot see any other explanation for how white pillowcases can stain TPE?
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