Thread: "Like" Button
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Old 13-11-2021, 10:11 AM
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I can see arguements for and against.

Number one against of course is who would do it! But that aside....

If a button existed then people would get instant gratification but there would be no effort behind the approval.

Disapproval would be annonymous and one disapproval could cause more issue for a member than dozens of approvals.

Currently a lot of posts do get missed but they would be missed with a like button as much as a comment and the like means less. The recent posts staying recent longer would I feel do more for site interactions than a like button.

Like buttons also detract from social interaction as a quick click is not the same as building freindships and the comedic interactions on here.

All things cnsidered. Although things may be imperfect as not all posts that should be commented on are commented on, I would vote against change as what we have works without the issues associated with instant gratification.

I vote no change.

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