Cookie Settings Etc


Active New Member
I wonder if anyone can help me.

I always log on to the site through an "Incognito Window" in Google Chrome but before it lets me through to the site I get a Google page asking me to set my Cookie and Privacy settings.
I set them to not accept cookies because whenever I do accept then when browsing anywhere on the net or even watching YouTube I get adverts popping up for Lovedolls and Sextoys which can be very problematic when those around me are not in the know about my interest in the dolls.

No matter what I do, even signing into my Google account and saving my preferences, next time I search for the page (I dont want a shortcut on my pc, again for privacy reasons) I have to re-select and confirm my choices all over again.

I cant just accept the defaults because the adverts do appear at the most embarrasing times and would cause great distress in my domestic and professional situation.

How do you out there get round this?

Please, no replies along the lines of "Dont Hide It, Be Proud", it isnt helpful and nor is it an option, we all have our own circumstances.
Have you tried Ad-Block Plus? I used to use that on Google Chrome. I now use Opera mind and that has it built in. Google track you no matter what, it seems.

For instance, I searched for a Doctor Who build a bear outfit on my PC, then low and behold, every now and then, Build a Bear adverts appear on my YouTube app on the phone.
Did I got that right?
  • You do not bookmark this forum
  • You open a new privacy tab in your browser
  • you type something like "uk doll forum" in the search bar
  • A Google search starts and Google asks you for cookie settings
  • you click on the Google search result for this forum

If you are doing it that way I see some misunderstandings.

In a privacy tab you are not logged in into your Google account as all cookies are cleared. Google (or any other site) doesn't know if they are allowed to track you or not, so they need to ask. That happens every time because you are deleting the answer to the cookie question when closing the privacy tab.
With not using a bookmark and not typing the direct url of this forum and doing a Google search instead you are telling Google in your privacy tab that you want to visit the UK doll forum. That nullifies the use of a privacy tab.

My advise: Either set a bookmark to this forum or remember the url and type it completely and correct. In that case you will get to the forum without Google.

By the way, whatever you choose in such a cookie question, at least one cookie is stored on your end. The answer to the question.

An ad-blocker like suggested is always a good idea. I recommend uBlock Origin

Have you ever thought about using a different browser for doll related things? Just to separate from what other can see.
That makes sense

TSALL I thankyou very much.

Without belittling me in any way you pointed out a massive hole in my understanding of the subject and then you proceeded to come up with a solution that actually works.

I am NOT the most computerate of people as was indeed obvious to you, my experience with the way I.T. works seems to be an endless loop of me researching, then thinking I understand but then failing miserably when I try to go about new things.

Once again I thankyou and really do appreciate you and the other repliers input.
That stupid full-screen cookie popup from Google Search is why I switched to DuckDuckGo.

Whenever I'm doing some "private" (heh) browsing - that's when I open an Incognito(Chrome) or Private(Firefox) browser. You can open both kinds of browser at the same time. Both Firefox and Chrome have a little icon at the top right that shows if you're in private: Chrome has the hat and glasses; Firefox has the purple mask.

The nice thing about Private and Incognito is that they both don't save settings from one session to the next. They don't remember cookies or history or anything.

That of course is why it won't remember stuff and why Google keeps asking the same stupid cookie questions over and over. There's no way around that, except by using a search engine that doesn't ask stupid questions. I even have "I don't care about Cookies" installed (and active in private) but Google doesn't respect that.

I can never remember the URL so I just punch in "uk doll forum" and UKLDF is the first in the list (although for some reason it's the "Meet the Dolls" page).

I don't login to my normal email or Amazon account, or do any non-private stuff in the private browser. I have alternative accounts for both, and so far even though they both point back to the same person for deliveries and whatnot there's no evidence of "leakage" from one to the other: no sexy outfit suggestions are shown on my "real" Amazon, for example.

I don't allow Windows to use an "advertising ID". That might cause some private ads to leak into your normal life but I don't know for sure. The ad ID is one of the Windows setup questions, it says if you don't have one then you'll see the same number of ads but they won't be as relevant to you. But I don't want my ads personalising (a) because that kind of tracking is creepy and (b) because I block them anyway.

However I think logging onto your main Gmail or Amazon in Private/Incognito might cause ads to leak across in the way you describe. It's not really something I can test without risking the same problem.

I block most ads with uBlock Origin - my use of it is quite advanced (cos I'm an IT dude) so I'm not sure how beginner-friendly it is. It is extremely powerful and capable. But it can cause some sites not to work as expected and a beginner might not be able to troubleshoot and fix it so easily.