An account for Julia


Gold Excellence Member

Julia really wants to have an account in her own name. It seems to need some magic to be done by those with the power wands.

Alternately is there a post somewhere (which appears to be hard to find) that explains the secrets of this process?

It would of course be under my email address.
Hi Tex

A mod will have to approve it for you, as a second account with the same email address gets flagged as spam.

Also, you and Julia should watch Drop Dead Fred together over the weekend, it will help you get to know each other better. Think of it as mandatory homework. :D
We watched Top Gun (1) together but Julia got all upset when Goose hurt his head :(
This might prove to be a little difficult as the username Julia has allready been taken.

So you will need to come up with something else (Julia Tex or Julia T) for example.

This might prove to be a little difficult as the username Julia has allready been taken.

So you will need to come up with something else (Julia Tex or Julia T) for example.


Thank you for helping out with this. Is "Chez Julia" free? After all it will be her home on the forum.
Hi Tex

A mod will have to approve it for you, as a second account with the same email address gets flagged as spam.

Also, you and Julia should watch Drop Dead Fred together over the weekend, it will help you get to know each other better. Think of it as mandatory homework. :D

Ok, we just watched Drop Dead Fred!
We had to have a bit of a transcendental discussion afterwards about whether we were real or not. I think i lost :(
However we both agreed to keep clear of green pills and to understand that a friend is a friend real or not and a friend is what you make of them :)
Thanks for the suggestion :tu
Ok, we just watched Drop Dead Fred!
We had to have a bit of a transcendental discussion afterwards about whether we were real or not. I think i lost :(
However we both agreed to keep clear of green pills and to understand that a friend is a friend real or not and a friend is what you make of them :)
Thanks for the suggestion :tu

Whoa whoa whoa, slow down. :D

Julia is definitely real. It's you i'm not sure about, Tex. Best keep the green pills away from her. :24