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Old 30-04-2022, 06:42 PM
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Lulu1971 Lulu1971 is offline
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Eventually, I found the motorbike diner. It was closed as it was night time. I kept walking and found a park with a bench. I tried to sleep but it was too cold.

Then just as it was starting to get light a big dog went running past. He did not notice me, but I heard a woman's voice shouting "Casper" and I knew from the forum that Lulu had a dog called Casper. I knew I was in the right place. I got up and followed at a distance. When they made their way to the house - this house - I waited outside until I had the courage to knock on the door. I looked through the window and saw Sihtric and Rachel. You looked so nice and happy.

So that is my story. I am sorry for turning up with nothing and asking for help. Thank you for your hospitality. I apologise, Sihtric, for taking your clothes.


We have to find him!
Sure you don't want to wait for Lulu to ask permission?
Of course not. She would do the same.

Did you read what I wrote on the computer?
Yes. I'm so sorry you had to go through so much shit. Your man, Ivan, sounded nice though.
I still miss him, but I can never go back.
You can stay with us.
Lulu said I could stay "for the moment." But Rachel dislikes me.
No, she doesn't. Don't tell her I said this, but she cried when she read your story. She'll be nicer from now on.
Are you sure I will not be in the way? What if Lulu's friends do not like her any more because of where I am from?
They won't care. Her good friends will like you. If anyone says anything bad, Rachel will kick their arses and enjoy every minute of it.

Welcome to your new home, Sasha.
Thank you.

Sorry I was a bitch. I hope you like horror movies. If you don't, too bad. Sihtric's a wuss. He hides behind a cushion when I watch scary stuff.
I do not. Ignore her.
I have never watched a movie. Ivan did not have enough money to buy a TV.
Well, Lulu has hundreds of movies on DVD upstairs. Lots of different types.

Hey Lu.
Morning, my darlings.
Just crawl out of bed, did you?
Rude. I was out running as well you know.

Lulu, this is Sasha. He wrote a story for us about how he came to be here. He's from Russia.
What did you say?
I think he swore.
He said "shit," guys.
He's worried people will hate him because of the situation in Ukraine.
Not in this house. Sasha, I'll read your story later. But you're welcome to stay here with us and make this your home. You'll be very much loved here.
Spasibo. Sorry. I mean, thank you.

This is amazing. I have never had anything like this before. Thank you.
Better get used to it. Lulu is a great cook.
So are you, SIhtric, my love.
Pfft! Why cook when you can order pizza?

Sihtric, have you shown Sasha how to shop yet? That was the first thing you did when I came.
Not yet.
Shame on you. Look, Sasha, this is Shein. We get lots of stuff from here.
You can choose your own things?
Does Lulu not mind?
No, she has a good job. She works, we spend.
*thinking* There goes this year's holiday. But they're worth it.

Carpe Diem

Last edited by Lulu1971; 01-05-2022 at 06:40 AM.
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