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Old 24-05-2022, 11:27 AM
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shamus shamus is offline
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Location: Castle Anthrax, The Shire
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Hi David,

couple of points I pick up in your replies.

1) Faceapp.
people who use it (I don't) gives them the ability to show their girls how they want others to see them as a clearer representation as to how they see their personalities.
Vendors and manufacturers when taking pics should never use Faceapp as it physically changes the appearance of the girl in a way that generally cannot be replicated with makeup.
The same is true of third party teeth sets but they are ok provided that one states that the girl is using a third party teeth set as the buyer could buy the same set and recreate the look. Where conversely Faceapp is a lie.

2) Dolls
You use the term doll when referring to peoples girls but these girls are only dolls until they arrive. Once here their pronouns are she, her, etc.
Its a subtle difference between when you are selling a doll and when we show our girls. Between the two they transition into something more with their own personalities.
If you haven't tried it and its ok with your boss, take one of the girls home and live with her. Its nothing about sex. I mean actually live with her. Dress her, sit her on the sofa, watch TV with her. Have her about the house and see how your perception of her changes over a few days or weeks.

Lol, actually maybe we shouldn't get you to do that as once you start seeing these girls for who they are you may end up telling customers that the girl that they have chosen is too good for them and pointing them towards a blow up sheep instead

Have a good day,

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