Handy Pictures


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Hi Guys, how can I use handy Pictures here ? System says all the Time Error...

What can I do....Thanks for Information:tu

Handytype: Samsung S 9 Plus

Please downscale/downsize images prior to uploading. You might want to remove some meta data like location (GPS) too.

The system allows you to upload ...
  • max. 4 MB per image (was 2 MB till a few minutes ago)
  • max 5120x5120 pixels (was a lot small till a few minutes ago)
The system will then downscale the image to the maximum dimension allowed for you. Please know that the image processing quality is not very good. It will be a lot better when you process the images to the maximum allowed dimensions and size yourself.

The gallery app on Android is able to scale down an image. Have a look at the edit function and the three dots menu. Please use that menu to save a copy after resizing, or you will overwrite the original image.
I'm confused by this. The maximum size is 250kb and 1024 X 800 isn't it? Whether I use the gallery or upload as an attachment I see those limits.
I'm confused by this. The maximum size is 250kb and 1024 X 800 isn't it? Whether I use the gallery or upload as an attachment I see those limits.
Correct, and if you upload a bigger file the system will downscale it to what is allowed for you. That is nothing new.