An afternoon movie


Bronze Member
S - Ok I've gone shopping, tidied up and stuck the washing on, do you fancy watching a movie this afternoon?

M - That sounds lovely, what are we going to watch?

S - It's one of my favourites, I think you'll like it, it's good fun and has both an android and part organic part synthetic characters.

M - Oooo sounds interesting, I'm intrigued!

S - Oh my god they're drilling into Data's head!

An hour or so later

S - Did you enjoy that?

M - I did but I have some questions - So Data is superior to humans?

S - Well in some ways yes but I wouldn't say superior.

M - Ok, but the Borg see the only way to become the perfect being is to implant synthetic parts into humans or other organics?

S - That's what they believe yes.

M - So if I took some of your skin and implanted it into me that would make me the perfect being?

S - Urrr, I don't really think it works like that, and besides you're already perfect as far as I'm concerned... Why are you looking at me like that?

M - ...How deeply do you sleep?

S - Well I suppose fairly... Urm, Meili my love you're starting to scare me!

M - I'm kidding I'm kidding, I wouldn't do that!

S - You're such a tease! We can watch another movie tonight if you want, see if there's one you like look of whilst I hang the washing up.


S - ...Great, what did you pick?

S - Oh dear god! That's it, I'm sleeping in the car!!
It's been nice knowing you... :whistle:

I am suitably concerned...

I will be going through my movie collection and hiding certain titles!

LOL. This is doing my doll phobia a lot of good, you know that right?
Great story, love her and the quirkiness.

Just keep one eye open. Its like having Pixies around the house sometimes!

I think it's too late, I swear she gets up and moves stuff in the middle of the night just to freak me out... :eek:
yes, you sire are going to be the next guinea pig for Human-Cyborg integration testing....

Best of Luck :D
