Happy birthday, Rachel!


Golden Diamond Member
Tomorrow will be one year since Rachel arrived on my doorstep, and as I'd planned to take her to Adam's to do a photoshoot, we decided to have the birthday celebrations a day early.

Rachel: Mmm, nachos, my favourite!
Lulu: I hope you're going to share those with Lucy.
Of course!

Lucy: Rachel, would you like a glass for that?
*GULP, GLUG GLUG, GULP* Um... hic... no, thank you, Lucy, I seem to have finished it.

Time for your birthday cake, Rachel. Blow the candle out and make a wish.
I wish... Lulu hadn't confiscated her credit card, I would really like another Kreepture to go with my Werewolf.

Mmm, birthday girl gets an extra big slice.

Mmm, yummy!
*thinking* Goodness, she's not very ladylike, but she's so funny, I like it when she visits.

Rachel, you have cake on your nose.
Oops! Um, that was intentional.

*thinking* I wonder if they'll notice if I sneak another slice?

Happy birthday, Rachel. Here's your present.
Ooh, thanks! What can it be?

Oh! It's a Kreepture! Awesome!

Yes! It's Hemoglobin, the limited edition two-headed red dragon. My favourite after the Werewolf.

Oh, I love him! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
*thinking* Phew. I got it right.

Yeah, she's a GLUG, GLUG, sort of a girl, whereas Emma is so refined. Takes after their humans?

That's Lucy in the pics, but she's a perfect lady (same can't be said for Adam :21 ) Rachel definitely takes after me though, hahaha!
With a handful of cake there were only two choices, cram it into her gob or a food fight:D But then I don't think Rachel would waste food so in the cake-hole it goes....except the bit on her nose:rolleyes::p
Happy Birthday, Rachel.
With a handful of cake there were only two choices, cram it into her gob or a food fight:D But then I don't think Rachel would waste food so in the cake-hole it goes....except the bit on her nose:rolleyes::p
Happy Birthday, Rachel.

Thanks, Revol. Yes, definitely food in the gob, so Lucy and the others were safe from cake bombs :24

Happy birthday to the very gorgeous Rachel.

Thanks, Ava :D

Happy Birthday Rachel :tu

Thanks, AD. Sorry we couldn't hang around for your tipsy chatter last night, couldn't stay awake any longer :D